Imaginary War – The Verge


Huge improvement to the debut

'Imaginary War' had more than three years of work, struggle, bliss, euphor­ia, dis­cus­sions and long nights. This makes me love this album more than the debut. It's a con­tin­ueously great album with some high­lights like the open­er 'We Ride', and also the songs 'Betty Would Be Bored', 'Never Fall Apart', 'This Moment' and 'Dead Princess'.

I per­son­ally will keep an eye on this band, because noth­ing is harder than the second album, and they have achieved this with a suc­cess­ful, ton­al increase.

There is still much air upwardly

While listen­ing to the album I noticed that the songs sound extremely vary. From Electrorock over Synth Pop to almost Alternative songs. I'm still not sure if they are try­ing to find or define their own music style or is it just what 'Imaginary War' represents.

The album titled track 'The Verge' is an unne­ces­sary instru­ment­al that drags down the over­all rat­ing. But you should give it a try, there are some shiny pearls to find on 'The Verge'.

Track By Track Rating

Imaginary War – The Verge
We Ride
Far And Further
The Way We Feel
Betty Would Be Bored
Made A Decision
Never Fall Apart
This Moment
Ritual Chains
Dead Princess
Somebody Must
The Verge
We Ride
Betty Would Be Bored
Never Fall Apart
The Verge

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We Ride
Far And Further
The Way We Feel
Betty Would Be Bored
Made A Decision
Never Fall Apart
This Moment
Ritual Chains
Dead Princess
Somebody Must
The Verge
Final Score