Planetdamage – Angst (Feat. Emke)

Official music video­clip 'Angst' per­formed by 'Planetdamage Feat. Emke'. Video dir­ec­ted and edited by: Zoltan Kovary.


I des­pise what I've become
My scler­ous brain
My shackled feet
My drugged up art
A trap that I can't beat
A door without a knob
Wherever I turn

I des­pise what we've become
Engine parts
Supply and demand
Replicating, imitating
Consumer art

The Fear keeps me weak
I grow numb from inside out
Words too artificial
Keys upside down

Can my heart take the pulse-rate
Crippling thoughts like this all day
Instead of going with the flow
I get cast away

Compulsion for conformity
Keeps my tongue tied
Tantrum or reality
The child in me
Is still sane and sound
Bored and drowned
Come back to life

Lines cut a breach
On the skin of your panic
Don't you worry, they'll break
The towers of misgivings
If you clear the way
If you let them stray
If you give them way

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