Shadows And Mirrors – Video Girl

Official music video 'Video Girl' per­formed by 'Shadows And Mirrors'.

New York City, 1977
Smoke filled street corners and ragged bars, pimps and push­ers, a smell that won't go away. His night­time sky is filled with dreams that died. It's then that he sees her. Half human, half android. Half woman and half machine. Peering into his tele­vi­sion she van­ishes as quickly as she appeared. The air around him has become thick and humid, like the lie of a politician's smile, it masks the real­ity of his des­per­a­tion. The air in the streets is heavy, the exhaust of too many tax­is and Marlboros linger for days. A stray dog fever­ishly barks from the alley. He tries but can't block it out. Another head­ache. Another vic­tim. Time for bed, but he can't sleep. He can nev­er sleep. Then one night he is startled by the sound of met­al on met­al and a gritty stat­ic TV flick­ers as he enters the room. Slowly pacing towards the set, he sees her neon met­al hel­met. It seemed to be glow­ing in a way, invit­ing him. Reaching his arm inside the tele­vi­sion he pulls hard, and finally she is there. She is real. Video Girl.


You're a video girl
Tuned to black and white
Spin that record
Till the past survives
Eyes turn away
Put your lips to mine
Yeah we dance like this
Till the end of time

I am your video girl
I am your video
I am your video
I am your video girl

You're my video girl
Turn me on tonight
Just press play
So the past survives
Lights turned down
But your lips don't lie
Can we dance like this
TiIll the end of time?

I am your video girl
I am your video

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