Neonsol – Another Day

Neonsol - Another DayAlbum facts

Release: September 1st, 2017
Label: Analogue Trash
Genre: , ,
Discogs: Link

Electronic music from another world

The title track Another Day is a dreamy elec­tro­pop num­ber, present­ing the unique dual­ity of Nina's mes­mer­ising voice and Jesper's dis­tinct­ive bari­tone amidst a bed of pol­ished, wist­ful elec­tron­ics and synth work cour­tesy of pro­duc­tion mas­ter­mind Fred. Other stand out tracks on the EP include the sassy elec­tro­pop anthem Forever, dance­floor stormer Heat – plus a very spe­cial rein­ven­tion by indus­tri­al-noise stal­wart ESA, a beau­ti­ful, eth­er­e­al bal­lad in the form of In the Garden and an incred­ible reima­gin­ing of the title track by the legendary Rotersand.

Add to all this Neonsol’s char­ac­ter­ist­ic­ally power­ful, intro­spect­ive song­writ­ing remin­is­cent of The Cure at their best; and the Another Day EP is set to become an instant favour­ite among Neonsol's ded­ic­ated inter­na­tion­al fan­base as well as win­ning them many new fans.

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