The Synthetics – Glimpses of Heaven

Between darkness and lightness: "Glimpses of Heaven"

The Synthetics - Glimpses of HeavenThe Synthetics are bring­ing a breath of fresh air to the dark wave scene with their new song "Glimpses of Heaven". The song unfolds a mys­ter­i­ous but at the same time light-footed atmo­sphere that comes into its own espe­cially on the dance floor. Although "Glimpses of Heaven" con­tains typ­ic­al dark wave and post-punk ele­ments, it sur­prises with an unex­pec­ted light­ness in the vocals and gui­tar riffs. This com­bin­a­tion makes the song catchy and access­ible des­pite its elec­tron­ic restraint.

The song's vibe imme­di­ately grabs you and cre­ates a per­fect bal­ance between dance­able energy and a mys­ter­i­ous aura. A small cri­ti­cism could be that the elec­tron­ic part could be a bit high­er to exploit the depth of the genre even more. Nevertheless, "Glimpses of Heaven" offers enough space for the mys­ter­i­ous fog that envel­ops the dark music scene.

Listen to "The Synthetics – Glimpses of Heaven" on Spotify

Listen to "The Synthetics – Glimpses of Heaven" on Bandcamp

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