Echos about Electrozombies 

People who spread love

This is an over­view of all testi­mo­ni­als so far. Send us your kind words and you may get a place on this page. Please simply use the stand­ard con­tact form. You'll be rewar­ded with a valu­able backlink.

Thanks to Tom and Vera at Electrozombies, for your love of syn­thpop and massive sup­port of Parralox. And the awe­some com­pil­a­tions you pro­duce. Live Long and Prosper! 
John von Ahlen
There is sel­dom an edit­or­i­al team that deals with an album as intens­ively as the people from Electrozombies. From an artists per­spect­ive, we feel very understood. 
Tom (Formalin)
Electrozombies really under­stand music. Their reviews are in their own class. 
Gabor (Formalin)
It’s amaz­ing to see the hard work and ded­ic­a­tion put forth by the people involved with Electrozombies. It really helps keep scenes like ours alive. 
Ted Phelps (Imperative Reaction)
Ted Phelps
Our little scene only still exists through the hard work and pas­sion of zines and web­sites like Electrozombies! 
Tom Shjear (Assemblage 23)
Tom Shear
Electrozombies […] review new releases and talk about them in a mean­ing­ful way, instead of just copy­ing and past­ing a press release. For that alone, it should be cel­eb­rated. But it also looks great and gives a voice to up and com­ing artists doing some­thing different. 
Empathy Test
Isaac Howlett
Electrozombies is is a very unique magazine, which is work­ing very pro­fes­sion­al and caring. Thanks for the oppor­tun­ity to intro­duce myself here. 
Age Zero profile picture
Jan Weisbrod
I'm happy and grate­ful that Electrozombies exist. You are the best, you spread good music you give young musi­cians a chance to be noticed. If there were more people like you, this world would be a per­fect place! Thank you for doing all this! 
Solar Fake press photo 2015
Sven Friedrich
Electrozombies a world full of sounds and senses full of pride as a whole in a beat­ing heart. Inazulina is so grate­ful to be part. For a long and last­ing life… 
Inazulina testimonial picture
Anílorac Bakos
Undoubtedly Electrozombies is one of the most exquis­ite webz­ines on elec­tron­ic music. You guys are doing a great job. Keep it up! 
Thomas Adam
Electrozombies is cer­tainly one of the most styl­ish and pro­gress­ive magazines in the scene. We loved being part of every Electrozombies com­pil­a­tion so far! keep up the amaz­ing work! 
Junksista - Profile Picture
Diana Noir
We highly value Electrozombies as inspir­a­tion to both the cre­at­ors and the con­sumers of elec­tron­ic music. 
Alphamay - Profile picture
Cris Frickenschmidt
If you are hungry for new music and fresh news in the elec­tron­ic scene, then look no fur­ther as Electrozombies is prob­ably your best choice! 
seaofsin profile picture
Ivan Oglomov
Electrozombies is cru­cial to our scene! It helps bands get news to you, and helps you find awe­some new music. THIS SITE ROCKS! 
Angelspit profile picture
Zoog Von Rock
Discovering new music is tough in today's over­crowded digit­al cli­mate. What more can I say but thank you to Electrozombies for all the love, sup­port and kind words, and for help­ing me to dis­cov­er some really cool new music that I wouldn't have been able to find without them. 
William Control profile picture
I nev­er miss Electrozombies. It's scary good, the best webz­ine alive on the scene. 
Ultranoire profile picture
Josef Stapel
Electrozombies is on the cut­ting edge of what's hap­pen­ing in the elec­tron­ic music scene. They always have the latest news and videos to share. 
nttx profile picture
Gord Clement
Electrozombies not only has the best logo, they also keep the Electro-Pop scene alive and up to date thanks to their web­site which is a weekly log in for us. 
Massive Ego profile picture
Marc Massive
Electrozombies is the new under­ground for synth music lov­ers and aficionados! 
The Static Architect profile picture
Nick McLaren
Electrozombies are an import­ant cur­at­or. Sifting through vast amounts of music, they share whatever is truly worth listen­ing to. 
Palais Ideal profile picture
John Edwards
Thank you for shar­ing great music! 
Ray Noir
It would do the Synth/Electronic Pop scene well to emu­late the kind of verve, spir­it and sin­cere delight with which Thomas and the Electrozombies crew show with each and every post in this vital magazine. 
The Mystic Underground profile picture
Vladimir Valette
Gave SoftWave the oppor­tun­ity to be seen without any request at all! For that we are VERY thankful. 
Softwave profile picture
Catrine Christensen
We worked togeth­er 4 times now and it‘s always a pleasure! 
Twisted Destiny profile picture 2017
Daniel Gersten
Electrozombies is busy to keep the scene alive and original. 
Black Nail Cabaret profile picture
Árvai-Illés Emese
Electrozombies is the place for com­pre­hens­ive playl­ists and reviews of import­ant releases in under­ground elec­tron­ic music. 
Amelia Arsenic mask
Innovative way of review­ing, really like the concept! 
PsyAviah profile picture
Yves Schelpe
Electrozombies is a ref­er­ence for musi­cians and elec­tron­ic music lovers. 
Raúl Muñoz-Torrero