Take part on the next 'Undead And Open-Minded' compilation

Your chance to get fans

Do you have an upcom­ing album, EP or you just pro­duced an awe­some song? You need to grab some atten­tion for you or your band? Don't miss the chance and take part in the next 'Undead And Open-Minded' com­pil­a­tion.

Electrozombies is a webz­ine that is estab­lished since 2010 in the music scene for Synth Pop, Electropop, Futurepop, EBM, Electrorock, Darkwave, Electropunk, and Industrial. Since then we have a fast-grow­ing com­munity and fans world­wide. Mostly they are music pro­fes­sion­als, DJs, genre devotees and elec­tron­ic music lovers.

The win/win situation

→ Your song will be pro­moted on a free pop­u­lar compilation
→ 'Electrozombies' gets big­ger with every release
→ You get more listen­ers and fans
→ We get more loy­al vis­it­ors because they have found a hid­den gem like your band
→ You set a back­link to 'Electrozombies' on your web­site and social channels
→ We pro­mote your future releases, and so on.

Your Benefit

Your music will be presen­ted to all Electrozombies vis­it­ors and fol­low­ers. A lot of the fol­low­ers on Facebook are music labels, music media, pro­mo­tion agen­cies, and rel­ev­ant music genre enthusiasts.

You can use all our mar­ket­ing out­put for your own pro­mo­tion on your media chan­nels. You'll receive new fans and fol­low­ers. About ongo­ing details regard­ing the cur­rent status, mar­ket­ing activ­it­ies and media pres­ence, all par­ti­cipants will be informed via update emails.

Your guidance to participate

  • Media: WAV, 44kHz, 16bit, mastered (Please provide a down­load link via Dropbox, Mediafire, etc…)
  • Music genre: Synth Pop, Electro Pop, Future Pop, Dark Pop, EBM, Electro Rock, Dark Wave, Electro Punk, Industrial, Synthwave and related. No instrumentals!
  • The dead­line: If min­im­um 15 entries reached, then the com­pil­a­tion will be quickly released on Electrozombies Bandcamp page.
  • Additional inform­a­tion:
    • Lyrics of the song. Provide us with the lyr­ics of your sub­mit­ted song. This will be used in 'Bandcamp' for increas­ing the SEO performance.
    • No cov­er ver­sion. We pub­lish the com­pil­a­tion as a free down­load via our Bandcamp chan­nel. A licence fee for a cov­er song is simply too high. For cov­er ver­sions, Electrozombies offers sep­ar­ately pro­jects that will be dis­trib­uted offi­cially. If you didn't get an invit­a­tion to par­ti­cip­ate in these, you can always get in touch with me by email, and ask about an ongo­ing project.
    • Already pub­lished? If your song has already been pub­lished by a label, then please ensure that your label agrees with a fur­ther pub­lic­a­tion and will make no claims what­so­ever against 'Electrozombies'.
    • Free down­load. Electrozombies pub­lishes all com­pil­a­tions via 'Bandcamp' for free down­load. Here the vis­it­ors have the pos­sib­il­ity to donate money to cov­er the run­ning costs that are sev­er­al hun­dred euros per year. All dona­tions go to a sep­ar­ately applied Paypal account and will be used exclus­ively for Electrozombies projects.

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Send your application now

Please fill out the con­tact form below, and we will prove the pos­sib­il­ity for a release on the next com­pil­a­tion. If some tech­nic­al issues hap­pen you can con­tact me altern­at­ively via email under 'contact@electrozombies.com' as well.

All inform­a­tion giv­en here is vol­un­tary. Mandatory fields are just "Email" and the check­boxes "Declaration", "Accept pri­vacy policy" and "Google recaptcha". Please note, how­ever, that in the absence of inform­a­tion your request will not be processed.

(JPG, PNG, ZIP max. 5MB)

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The current status for 'Undead And Open-Minded: Volume 10' is: 33%

  1. Hall & Newton – Be Yourself (Feat People Theatre)
  2. Possessor – Ice Paradise
  3. Mixina – Lluny De Mi
  4. Pale Meridians – Against The Tide
  5. Proletarian Poetry – To the End