Hermidgets – We Tend To Disappear

Between melancholy and the dance floor: Hermidgets impress with "We Tend To Disappear"

Hermidgets - NihilOfficial music video "We Tend To Disappear" per­formed by "Hermidgets" taken from the mini album "Nihil". Fun fact right at the start: the tiles with the eyes, includ­ing the black and white look, instantly reminded me of the music video ‘Satisfaction’ by ‘Black Nail Cabaret’. Worth seeing!

With ‘We Tend To Disappear’, the Hermidgets from Italy deliv­er a track that appeals to the spir­it of elec­tron­ic music and the goth­ic scene alike. The song cap­tiv­ates with its fast beat, which inev­it­ably encour­ages dan­cing and should there­fore cre­ate enthu­si­asm on any dark dance floor. Despite the catchi­ness of the beat, the melod­ies and har­mon­ies remain delib­er­ately subtle, cre­at­ing an inter­est­ing son­ic intens­ity. The arrange­ment is dom­in­ated by layered sounds, which some listen­ers may find less appeal­ing, but they con­trib­ute to the unique atmo­sphere of the track.

The vocals are par­tic­u­larly note­worthy, as their con­cise­ness gives the song a spe­cial touch and sup­ports the dark mood of the title. The lyr­ics are mel­an­chol­ic and profound.

A crit­ic­al point is the outro of the song, in which the elec­tric gui­tars are just about tol­er­able for my per­son­al taste. A con­tinu­ation of the strong syn­thes­iser sounds could have been a bet­ter choice here to con­sist­ently carry through the elec­tron­ic vibe or to enhance it.

The Hermidgets' mini album “Nihil” is a col­lec­tion that every fan of dark synth pop sounds should exper­i­ence. While the entire record­ing impresses with its qual­ity, “We Tend To Disappear” stands out as an open­er. This track, along with the equally fas­cin­at­ing “Meaninglessness”, is undoubtedly one of the high­lights of the album.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Hermidgets – We Tend To Disappear" on Spotify

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