Fused – Interference

Synth pop with dark charm and a powerful beat

Fused - Interference"Interference" by Fused is a dark synth pop track that impresses with a power­ful beat and a clearly struc­tured sound­scape. The intro is par­tic­u­larly inter­est­ing: the German-lan­guage voice samples imme­di­ately recall Apoptygma Berzerk's intro to the cov­er song "Electricity" from the "Sonic Diary" album. This nos­tal­gic feel­ing evokes asso­ci­ations with the early 2000s, but is quickly replaced by a pound­ing, driv­ing beat that steers the track in a mod­ern and inde­pend­ent direction.

The vocals are one of the high­lights of the song. They come across clearly and dis­tinctly and blend seam­lessly with the rest of the track's ele­ments. Not a single word is lost in the mix, which makes the song sound very well roun­ded over­all. The mas­ter­ing is also impress­ive: the mix­ing is flaw­less and helps to ensure that each lay­er of the song can unfold to its full effect.

Nevertheless, it is notice­able that "Interference" could bene­fit from a little more vari­ety over the course of the song. The struc­ture remains rel­at­ively uni­form through­out the entire runtime, which is by no means bor­ing, but with a few addi­tion­al ele­ments or unex­pec­ted twists, the track could have gained even more dynam­ics. Especially the end comes very sud­denly, which leaves the listen­er a bit unpre­pared. A smooth­er fade-out or a clear­er con­clu­sion would have been good here.

The track is taken from the 4‑track EP "The Almost People" and Fused names the ‘who's who’ of synth pop legends such as Camouflage, Beborn Beton, De/Vision, Assemblage 23 and Seabound as influ­ences. I'll leave it open wheth­er "Interference" stands up to these com­par­is­ons – but this approach is def­in­itely ambitious.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Fused – Interference" on Bandcamp

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