The best Synth Pop and genre-related albums 2015

Best albums 2015

10. Age Zero – Age Zero II – (3.88/5 stars)


The second Age Zero work is no longer quite as strong as the solo debut. Still, it's a good album. Particularly out­stand­ing are the songs Perfect Memory and I'm Not Afraid.

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9. Duran Duran – Paper Gods – (3.92/5 stars)


From the first listen, the album feels like an old friend. As you would already know the album forever. But please do not get me wrong. I fell in love imme­di­ately from the first track on this album. Thank you Duran Duran.

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8. Jack Strify – Illusion – (4/5 stars)


Illusion is a really strong syn­thpop album. Why just the weak track Burn/Fear has been selec­ted as the first single, is simply incom­pre­hens­ible to me! Anyone who has liked the hit Halo (We're The Only One), can access without hes­it­a­tion. There are plenty of songs with hit poten­tial here. Such as: Electric (Feat Bonnie Strange.), The Matrix or Not My God (Vs. Losers).

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7. Ashbury Heights – Looking Glass Society – (4/5 stars)


This is a great Synth Pop album with catchy melod­ies and easy listen­ing factor. My per­son­al high­light songs that I recom­mend to listen to are Glow, Piano and Starlight. Ashbury Heights did a great job with this album. Also the new female sing­er Tea F. Thime fits per­fectly in the new duo.

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6. Camouflage – Greyscale – (4.08/5 stars)


This album is a bril­liant piece of pure, mod­ern syn­thpop music. I'm a fan of this band since 1986, so it's really hard for me to make a neut­ral review. It's almost a per­fect album, but I'm not a fan of instru­ment­al music. So in this case there are three tracks with "only" 3 Star rat­ing. Without the instru­ment­al tracks it would be a 4.4 over­all rating.

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5. IAMX – Metanoia – (4.09/5 stars)


If you like bizarre sounds and extraordin­ary com­pos­i­tions, then you are guar­an­teed happy with this album. All songs move in mel­an­choly mid-tempo and sound extremely bleak. I bow to this bold and impress­ive album. I love it.

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4. Solar Fake – Another Maniac Episode – (4.1/5 stars)


Solar Fake pro­duces a mas­ter piece of dark disco music. Another Maniac Episode sounds 100% like the typ­ic­al Solar Fake sound which I per­son­ally really like. My high­lights are the first single All The Things You Say and the track Observer. Within the Deluxe Box you can find some remixes from well-known artists of the scene and a great cov­er ver­sion of The Killers song Somebody Told Me.

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3. Erasure – Always, The Very Best Of – (4.2/5 stars)


After 30 years of a glory car­rer Erasure releases Always- The Very Best Of Erasure. And this are true spoken words! This album is full with hits and memor­ies. All song lyr­ics are writ­ten well, and themes belong from romantic to mel­an­chol­ic all wrapped in nice Synthpop tunes. Personally I want to say: "Thank you for 30 years of per­fect Synthpop music. Hopefully you'll be suc­cess­ful for anoth­er 30 years.".

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2. Formalin – Supercluster – (4.24/5 stars)


Supercluster is a great concept album with an obvi­ously space theme. This young band from Berlin uses excit­ing samples that makes their music sound really unique. My per­son­al high­lights are Neomania and Alive.

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1. Beborn Beton – A Worthy Compensation – (4.3/5 stars)best album 2015 beborn beton

As a long time fan of Beborn Beton I nat­ur­ally see addict wait­ing for the new album. And I am com­pletely sat­is­fied and happy with the res­ult. I just have one big request to Beborn Beton: "Please do not wait again 16 years till the next album.".

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