Lucca Leeloo – Sometimes You Make Me Happy

A synthesiser dance through the ups and downs of love

Lucca Leeloo - Sometimes You Make Me HappyWith "Sometimes You Make Me Happy" taken from the album "Sakamoto", Lucca Leeloo deliv­ers an elec­tro pop track that fuses nos­tal­gic syn­thes­izers with mod­ern pro­duc­tion. The song builds slowly and takes the listen­er into a world of sound char­ac­ter­ised by retro ele­ments and mod­ern synths. Particularly impress­ive is the way the drums and syn­thes­izers cre­ate an almost naive, yet extremely charm­ing atmo­sphere that per­fectly matches the romantic and euphor­ic mood of the song.

The soft vocals provide a pleas­ant con­trast to the elec­tron­ic arrange­ment and give the piece an emo­tion­al depth. However, the vocal effects in the quieter pas­sages (and over­all) could be used a little more dis­creetly to emphas­ise the nat­ur­al­ness of the voice more strongly. The lyr­ics speak of the ups and downs of a rela­tion­ship, and the repet­it­ive struc­ture emphas­ises the inter­play of hap­pi­ness and desire in a cap­tiv­at­ing way.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Lucca Leeloo – Sometimes You Make Me Happy" on Spotify

Listen to "Lucca Leeloo – Sometimes You Make Me Happy" on Spotify

Official lyrics video "Lucca Leeloo – Sometimes You Make Me Happy"

Lyrics of "Lucca Leeloo – Sometimes You Make Me Happy"

Sometimes you make me happy
You excite me by chas­ing me
And some­times I make you happy
You adore I’m a mystery
It’s a game that will set us free
And it keeps variety
Nothing changes history
It will haunt us eternally

It’s all about tak­ing a chance and check­ing it out
Feeling great and feel­ing proud
We can’t live without
It’s all about fight­ing for love and it’s no doubt
Searching the truth with­in a crowd
We’re gonna shout it out – out loud, out loud

Sometimes you make me happy
Sometimes I make you happy
Sometimes you make me happy
Oh some­times oh sometimes
Sometimes I make you happy
Sometimes you make me happy
Sometimes I make you happy
Oh some­times oh sometimes

Sometimes I make you happy
Oh some­times oh sometimes
Out loud
Sometimes I make you happy
Sometimes you make me happy
Sometimes I make you happy
Oh some­times oh some­times oh sometimes

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