Ontic – Hands

An intense interplay of darkness and desire

Ontic - HandsWhen I first heard ‘Hands’ by Ontic, I imme­di­ately felt like I was drawn into a dark, intense world. The Australian artist Andrew Dun has once again man­aged to cre­ate some­thing simple yet power­ful with his unmis­tak­able dark synth pop sound. The pro­duc­tion is straight­for­ward and unpre­ten­tious – and that is pre­cisely what gives the song its strength.

What par­tic­u­larly impressed me is the com­bin­a­tion of this almost hyp­not­ic sim­pli­city and the lyr­ic­al depth. Lines like "With every look and every glance, you take the world, you play your hand" cre­ate images char­ac­ter­ised by power, con­trol and desire. For me, ‘Hands’ is like a music­al reflec­tion of a mys­ter­i­ous encounter – erot­ic and dark at the same time.

Musically, Ontic stays true to his line. The dis­tinct­ive synths, driv­ing bass­lines and dark tex­tures blend per­fectly. After just a few bars, you're trans­por­ted dir­ectly to the chor­us, which feels incred­ibly famil­i­ar – almost as if I've always known the song.

‘Hands’ com­bines dark wave influ­ences with synth pop to cre­ate an intense exper­i­ence. The atmo­sphere is dense through­out and leaves little room to breathe – and that's exactly what I like. It's a song that isn't over­loaded, but rather con­vinces pre­cisely through its clar­ity. If you are look­ing for synth pop with a dark soul, you will get your money's worth here.

Listen to "Ontic – Hands" on Spotify

Listen to "Ontic – Hands" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "Ontic – Hands"

Frame the sky
Sweep the land
Speak devo­tion on demand

Steal the earth
Freeze the sun
Bring your shin­ing acumen

Come stir the honey pot
Come spin your can­died confidante
Come shoot a star on stun
Come stake a bet on salvation

With every look and every glance
You give the world, you show your hand
And every look and every glance
You take the world, you play your hand

Hands on hearts
Hearts on sleeves
Worlds apart
Hands on me

Your hands on
Your hands


Push the sky
Lay the land
Flash your win­ning countenance
Hold the earth
Kiss the sun
Hone your instincts one by one

Come stir the honey pot
Come taste your sugared confidante
Come stop a story short
Come score your favour­ite con­tact sport

With every look and every glance
You give the world, you show your hand
And every look, and every glance
You take the world, you play your hand

Hands on hearts
Hearts on sleeves
Worlds apart
Hands on me

Your hands on
Your hands


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