Opal Dusk – Disintegrate

Opal Dusk - DisintegrateThe song 'Disintegrate' is an evil-sound­ing dancy indus­tri­al midtempo EDM tune per­formed by 'Opal Dusk'. The song is taken from the EP 'Pestilence'. At least that's how the band describes the song, ref­er­en­cing sim­il­ar artists from Front Line Assembly to Perturbator. The span of time and style is enorm­ous here. It is clear that it is "bru­tal" with elec­tron­ics burst­ing, dance­able music. Personally, I would also draw com­par­is­ons to Basszilla, Not My God or Rabia Sorda. In any case, you get here son­ic­ally full in the face!

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist 'New Synth Pop Songs 2022'. Updated every 2 weeks! Follow this playl­ist now and don't miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Opal Dusk – Disintegrate' on Spotify

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