The Mind Is Complex – Bereit

The Mind Is Complex - BereitThe song 'Bereit' is a really excit­ing genre mix of min­im­al elec­tro and indi­et­ron­ic by the German band 'The Mind Is Complex'. A very arty and altern­at­ive sound mix. This track is taken from the (maxi) EP 'I Want My Own Reality To Be Real'.

With the lyr­ic line 'Ich bin allzeit bereit' I imme­di­ately asso­ci­ate the East of the coun­try (GDR) and the Young Pioneers. And the altern­at­ive sound I think is typ­ic­al Berlin sound. I wrote the last two sen­tences without doing any research. Let's see if I'm right. (a minute later) It took some time, but on Bandcamp I got the con­firm­a­tion. The band is indeed from Berlin. I can already recog­nise the style of the cit­ies from the sound. With this tal­ent I should go to "Wetten dass?" (German Saturday even­ing pro­gramme where fant­ast­ic bets are shown). Ah, that was fun. Just give it a listen now!

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist 'New Synth Pop Songs 2022'. Updated every 2 weeks! Follow this playl­ist now and don't miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'The Mind Is Complex – Bereit' on Spotify

Listen to 'The Mind Is Complex – Bereit' on Bandcamp


bin allzeit bereit
ich mein das, bis gleich
ich bin allzeit bereit
I’ll be there in no time

ein leben ohne machen
ver­suchen, dann lassen
gerede ohne lachen
what’s the point?

will laufen rennen suchen
bewe­gung mir rufen
will alles probieren
und dabei kreieren
was durch mich passiert
ja, that’s the point

bin ich allzeit bereit
ich mein das, bis gleich
ich bin allzeit bereit
I’ll be there in no time

I’ll be there in no time
to find what feels better
to see what really matters
I’m bored with a routine
I’ll look for a new feel

bin ich allzeit bereit…

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