Covered In Snow – Cemetery Club

"Covered In Snow" unleash emotional intensity with "Cemetery Club"

Covered In Snow - Cemetery Club (Cover artwork)With "Cemetery Club", the Swedish band Covered In Snow presents a dark synth pop anthem that is hard to beat in terms of emo­tion­al intens­ity. The song draws the listen­er dir­ectly into a cold, mel­an­chol­ic world in which the warm, express­ive vocals har­mon­ise per­fectly with the cool elec­tron­ics. The epic-sound­ing intro is par­tic­u­larly impress­ive, cre­at­ing an almost over­whelm­ing atmo­sphere in its brevity.

The lyr­ics of "Cemetery Club" are deeply imbued with sad­ness and des­pair, as lines such as "God is empti­ness, and empti­ness is what I feel here every­day" or "I love your sad­ness, and sad­ness is the only love for me" unmis­tak­ably express. This pain is fur­ther intens­i­fied by the out­stand­ing vocals, which send a cold shiver down the listener's spine. The emo­tion­al bru­tal­ity of the song makes it an indis­pens­able soundtrack for the dark­er days of life.

The music video is a small down­er, as it is atmo­spher­ic­ally suc­cess­ful but loses some of its inde­pend­ence due to the par­tial use of stock mater­i­al. Pure, ori­gin­al motion pic­ture mater­i­al could have strengthened the visu­al impression.

Overall, Covered In Snow's "Cemetery Club" is a strong, emo­tion­ally charged con­tri­bu­tion to the synth pop scene that goes straight to the heart and lingers on. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Covered In Snow – Cemetery Club" on Spotify

Lyrics of "Covered In Snow – Cemetery Club"

Blood is on the streets
And streets now seem to be in one-way lanes
Everyone speaks but only bout' themselves

It's hard to trust the good
When the good now take the bad in their defense
The down­ward spir­al is an easy way

Erase and rewind
Make up with your mind

Think of our kids it gets close
You get shot in the back if you are running
Think of our kids it gets close
In just a second we're down there

God is emptiness
And empti­ness is what I feel here everyday
I wish that I could find a way somehow

I love your sadness
And sad­ness is the only love for me
It's anoth­er thing that I can't choose

Erase and rewind
Make up with your mind

Think of our kids it gets close
You get shot in the back if you are running
Think of our kids it gets close
In just a second we're down there

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