For All The Emptiness – Sell The Sins

Official music video "Sell The Sins" per­formed by "For All The Emptiness" taken from the EP "Used And Violated". This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "For All The Emptiness – Sell The Sins" on Spotify

Listen to "For All The Emptiness – Sell The Sins" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "For All The Emptiness – Sell The Sins"

sell the sin­ner their sins
con­vince them that they are holy
make them one with their god
then watch the world burn

sell the sin­ner their sins
con­vince them that they are holy
make them one with their god
then watch the world burn

i need them to explain their hatred of me
how can love be viewed as immorality?
cull­ing harm­less masses, propagat­ing lies
invent­ing brand new vic­tims in lov­ing guise

slaughter­ing the truth, a sac­ri­fice for god
defin­ing mutil­a­tion as right­eous awe
per­petu­at­ing fear of abomination
pois­on­ing the minds of generations

sell the sin­ner their sins
con­vince them that they are holy
make them one with their god
then watch the world burn

sell the sin­ner their sins
con­vince them that they are holy
make them one with their god
then watch the world burn

explain to me per­ver­sion, assure me of its harm
show me bet­ter worlds where bigotry’s not wrong
tell me of your god whose wrath is justified
per­suade me virtue’s not com­mit­ting deicide

demon­strate the world is bet­ter with less love
reveal to me that kind­ness comes only from above
prove to me your mas­ter exists out­side your mind
pray if you are wrong you’ve got some­place to hide

sell the sin­ner their sins
con­vince them that they are holy
make them one with their god
then watch the world burn

sell the sin­ner their sins
con­vince them that they are holy
make them one with their god
then watch the world burn

sell the sin­ner their sins
sell the sin­ner their sins

sell the sin­ner their sins
con­vince them that they are holy
make them one with their god
then watch the world burn

sell the sin­ner their sins
con­vince them that they are holy
make them one with their god
then watch the world burn

sell the sin­ner their sins
con­vince them that they are holy
make them one with their god
then watch the world burn

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