Straight Razor – Casualty

A dark masterpiece of industrial pop

Straight Razor - Casualty"Casualty" is the new song from Straight Razor, and it doesn't dis­ap­point. From the first listen, you can feel the dark atmo­sphere that envel­ops the song like a heavy blanket. Dark, men­acing sounds dom­in­ate the track, mak­ing it a per­fect addi­tion to any elec­tron­ic Halloween playl­ist. The indus­tri­al sounds are down­right bru­tal and at times remin­is­cent of sound effects from hor­ror movies. You could almost believe they come from a strange world, which only fur­ther emphas­ises the song's uniqueness.

A big plus of "Casualty" is the atten­tion to detail in the sound design. Where oth­er artists often fall back on pre­defined pre­sets, Straight Razor shows an inde­pend­ence here that is remin­is­cent of the great pion­eers like "Depeche Mode" or "Vince Clark". The sounds seem well thought out and exper­i­ment­al, and that's exactly what makes the song so cap­tiv­at­ing. The synth pop influ­ence gives it a cer­tain catchi­ness, but it nev­er drifts into the trivi­al. The track remains con­sist­ently excit­ing and chal­lenges the listen­er to let them­selves fall com­pletely into the dark soundscape.

The accom­pa­ny­ing music video also rein­forces the oppress­ive and omin­ous mood of the song. It per­fectly under­scores the pictori­al qual­ity of the music, which already seems like the soundtrack to a hor­ror film without any visu­al support.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Straight Razor – Casualty" on Spotify

Listen to "Straight Razor – Casualty" on Bandcamp

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