Solar Fake – Don't Push This Button

Catchy beats and sharp lyrics: Solar Fake's new masterpiece

Solar Fake - Don't Push This Button

Album facts

Release Date: May 24th, 2024
Label: Pointless Music
Tags: ,
Discogs: Solar Fake – Don't Push This Button
Partially sounds like: De/Vision, VNV Nation, Pet Shop Boys, Blackbook
Final score: 4.1 stars

The sev­enth stu­dio album by the band "Solar Fake", "Don't push this but­ton!", marks a sig­ni­fic­ant turn­ing point in the career of Sven Friedrich. With the release on his own label "Pointless Music", the Berlin musi­cian is break­ing new ground. The com­bin­a­tion of heavy beats and big melod­ies leaves little room for quiet moments, while Sven remains true to his styl­ist­ic line and yet integ­rates new influ­ences. The astute lyr­ics and the emo­tion­al depth of the music reach a new peak in his work. The album title refers to human beha­viour, act­ing against bet­ter judge­ment, and thus reflects many facets of our lives.

A rousing start and a catchy hit

The open­er "Hurts So Bad" by Solar Fake is a real smash­er. The first time I heard it, I was imme­di­ately cap­tiv­ated by the typ­ic­al, rous­ing sound that I love so much. The track is upbeat and dance­able, imme­di­ately draw­ing me onto the dance floor, while the pro­found lyr­ics per­fectly com­ple­ment the emo­tion­al level. The song stays true to its line, which will par­tic­u­larly please fans of Solar Fake. It def­in­itely has the poten­tial to be released as a single and could quickly become a favour­ite. "Hurts So Bad" is a suc­cess­ful intro­duc­tion and prom­ises great things for the rest of the album.

And it hurts so bad
It’s a life I nev­er wanted!
Lyrics from "Hurts So Bad" by "Solar Fake"

The song "Not So Important" from "Don't Push The Button" imme­di­ately cap­tiv­ated me with its deep bass and almost naïve melody. The second single from the album is extremely catchy, which is mainly due to the man­tra-like repe­ti­tion of the title "not so import­ant" in the lyr­ics. I can already ima­gine how the crowds will enthu­si­ast­ic­ally sing along at the con­certs. The lyr­ics address the theme of insig­ni­fic­ance in an inter­est­ing way, and how people relativ­ise the import­ance of things. For me, "Not So Important" is one of the high­lights of the album and is simply fun in every respect. An abso­lute must for every lov­er of synth pop and elec­tro pop.

Emotional depth and danceable sounds

Solar Fake (Press photo 2024)
Solar Fake (Press photo 2024)

The song "Disagree" by Solar Fake is an impress­ive piece of work that I have rated with 4 stars. We get exactly what we expect from the band: a fant­ast­ic synth pop song with the typ­ic­al Solar Fake DNA. The lyr­ics of the song deal with per­son­al and social con­flicts as well as emo­tion­al ali­en­a­tion, which gives the whole thing a ser­i­ous touch. Nevertheless, the track is wrapped in a light and fast sound, which cre­ates a fas­cin­at­ing con­trast. Overall, "Disagree" is a suc­cess­ful mix of pro­found lyr­ics and catchy sound, which inspires both dan­cing and thinking.

The song "This Generation Ends" by Solar Fake, the har­binger of the album "Don't Push The Button", is an abso­lute must for every fan of elec­tron­ic music and the goth­ic scene. The decision to choose this track as the first single was def­in­itely the right one. The song cap­tiv­ates with a fant­ast­ic arrange­ment and a catchy melody that imme­di­ately gets stuck in your head. The rous­ing chor­us stays with you for a long time. I find the dynam­ic struc­ture and the ton­al vari­ety par­tic­u­larly impress­ive, which makes it extremely dance­able. No won­der this track is already a club hit. The slightly dis­turb­ing music clip (well worth see­ing) and the involve­ment of well-known music col­leagues from the scene make the over­all exper­i­ence per­fect. Solar Fake has landed a real hit here.

I’m fly­ing, you’re scream­ing, try­ing to stem the bleeding
Just fur­ther, without com­ments, and this gen­er­a­tion ends
I’m hol­low, you’re leav­ing, I can’t improve the meaning
Go high­er without defence, and this gen­er­a­tion ends
Lyrics from "This Generation Ends" by "Solar Fake"

Solid sound and raw synthesiser

The song "You Keep Breathing" is very well pro­duced and leaves noth­ing to be desired in terms of qual­ity. Unfortunately, how­ever, it lacks the ori­gin­al­ity that would set it apart from the rest. Despite its mediocre unique­ness, it is a sol­id con­tri­bu­tion to the genre and deserves to be heard.

The song "Nothing's Wrong" starts with a power­ful, techno-like aes­thet­ic that imme­di­ately invites you to dance. The dirty syn­thes­izer sounds give the track a raw, authen­t­ic touch, while the clear melod­ies stand out. Sven Friedrich's vocals bring a subtle but notice­able aggress­ive­ness and urgency that intens­i­fies the song. All in all, a lively track that has the poten­tial to fill dance floors. A must for all lov­ers of elec­tron­ic and goth­ic music!

Soothing sounds and dynamic highlights

"It's Never Been You" is a pleas­ant change of pace after the upbeat club track "Nothing's Wrong". The song begins with a quiet intro and relax­ing verses, which are infused with a touch of mel­an­choly and strike me right in the heart. The chor­us bursts the song's dynam­ics to the lim­it and offers a lot of ten­sion and com­plex­ity in terms of sound. For my taste, the lyr­ics could be a little more subtle, but the mes­sage is def­in­itely under­stood without going below the belt. Overall, a strong com­pos­i­tion that both calms and electrifies.

And all the things that no longer matter
You just divide into black and white
Loved by the brain­less, you’re pretty flattered
I know after all, your dick is too small
Lyrics from "It's Never Been You" by "Solar Fake"

The song "I Won't Let You Go" imme­di­ately grabbed me when the intro reminded me of "Under Control" and "Observer" from the bril­liant album "Another Manic Episode". This asso­ci­ation raised my expect­a­tions. The lyr­ics are prob­ably the most goth-like on the album "Don't Push This Button", as they per­fectly com­bine anger, sad­ness and power­less­ness. For me, this track is one of the most catchy and dynam­ic on the album. I really hope it will be released as a single with a music video. A strong song that touches you deeply and stays with you.

I’m cold and dead inside,
I don’t want to know what I already know
I can’t stand this stupidity
Yes, I blame you for this hell
Lyrics from "I Won't Let You Go" by "Solar Fake"

Honest reflections and powerful moments

Solar Fake (Press photo 2024)
Solar Fake (Press photo 2024)

I listened to the song "No Good Time" and was torn. In terms of sound, it is mediocre, which could be inten­tion­al, how­ever, to give the strong lyr­ics room to unfold. And the lyr­ics are power­ful! They address the stress and frus­tra­tions of every­day life, espe­cially in deal­ing with super­fi­cial social inter­ac­tions and mean­ing­less con­ver­sa­tions. This top­ic speaks to me and makes me feel the song intensely. That's exactly why I like it so much. For me, "No Good Time" is an hon­est reflec­tion of the daily struggle, which I can fully relate to.

The song "Lost", the final track on the album "Don't Push This Button", begins slowly and mel­an­chol­ic­ally, which ini­tially leads one to expect a typ­ic­al last-song bal­lad. Thankfully, the typ­ic­al bal­lad piano is left out. The first chor­us then takes me by sur­prise in a very pos­it­ive way: it sud­denly builds up like a huge tid­al wave and breaks over the listen­er with tre­mend­ous force. This unex­pec­ted intens­ity thrills me and takes the song to a new level. "Lost" man­ages to com­bine mel­an­choly moods with power­ful moments, and thus remains in the memory for a long time. An impress­ive con­clu­sion to a strong album.

An impressive work: Solar Fake's "Don't Push This Button!" captures the spirit of the times

Frustration with the polit­ic­al cli­mate, soci­ety cri­ti­cism and social inter­ac­tion are the main themes of the album "Don't Push This Button". As usu­al, the album con­tains many unique Solar Fake hits that will be well received at upcom­ing gigs. Of course, there are a few mediocre songs here and there, but even the weak­er songs are very strong over­all. For fans, the album is a must-buy any­way. I also pre-ordered the lim­ited fan box. If cool syn­thet­ic sounds paired with warm and under­stand­able lyr­ics are your cup of tea, then I highly recom­mend the album "Don't Push This Button".

Track by track rating for: Solar Fake – Don't Push This Button

Solar Fake - Don't Push This Button
Solar Fake – Don't Push This Button
Hurts So Bad
Not So Important
This Genration Ends
You Keep Breathing
Nothing's Wrong
It's Never Been You
I Won't Let You Go
No Good Time
Hurts So Bad
Not So Important
This Genration Ends
(Nothing to report here)

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Hurts So Bad
Not So Important
This Genration Ends
You Keep Breathing
Nothing's Wrong
It's Never Been You
I Won't Let You Go
No Good Time
Final Score