10 bands with bigger beats than 'The Prodigy' that are gonna kick your ass!

article header better than the prodigy

When the apprentice beats the master

A few words before I get stoned by some 'The Prodigy' fanatics

I'm a huge fan of 'The Prodigy' for more than 20 years now, and I really love and respect the band. In this art­icle, I'd like to intro­duce bands with com­par­able rad­ic­al and aggress­ive sound power. I think it's about time, because every time a new band hits a 'big beat' people say: "That sounds almost like 'The Prodigy'.". I'm really grate­ful for what 'The Prodigy' has done for the elec­tron­ic music scene, but they are not the Uber-Ones who inven­ted music itself.

Anyway, here are some bands that deserve the same respect for their music-style as 'The Prodigy' does. Please also keep in mind that this list is no rank­ing. I hope you enjoy it, and maybe you'll find some new music that is going to kick your ass.


protafield_logo1. Protafield

I got to know the band acci­dent­ally by receiv­ing their promo CD 'Nemesis' around 2 years ago. And to be hon­est I didn't even know a thing about 'Jayce Lewis', founder and sing­er of Protafield. Just check out his dis­co­graphy and you´ll see. As I listened to 'Nemesis' the bom­bast­ic sound left a big impact on me. The open­er 'God-Forced' is already a 5‑star rat­ing track, but I fell deeply in love with the second song 'Severe Sever'. This one is a true dance­floor mas­ter­piece. Overall the whole album enter­tains with ground­break­ing beats and highly dynam­ic­al sounds.


Official Protafield channels:


Watch the music video 'Protafield – Severe Sever' now:


hadouken_logo2. Hadouken!

The UK based band 'Hadouken!' defines their music as dance-punk/new rave. I think it's hard to describe their music. You can find a bunch of influ­ences in their songs, and they vary really widely. From Drum'n'Bass to Electrorock – Almost everything is pos­sible for this band.

hadouken_official_pr_photo'Hadouken!' star­ted back in 2006 as a fun pro­ject, but became fast much big­ger than they expec­ted. Until now they released three fant­ast­ic long-play­ers, amongst it the bril­liant album 'Every Weekend' which con­tains the fab­ulous track 'Oxygen'. Unfortunately they are hav­ing a break for an indef­in­ite time. I hope they will find togeth­er soon and con­tin­ue their career.


Official Hadouken! channels:




Watch the music video 'Hadouken! – Oxygen' now:


angelspit_logo3. Angelspit

Electropunk, Cybergoth, and Industrial are just a few genres to attempt a descrip­tion of Angelspit's music style. In gen­er­al, the founders of 'Angelspit' Karl Learmont (Zoog) and Amelia Tan (Destroyx) are quite uncom­prom­ising in terms of music­al cre­ativ­ity. My first con­tact with Angelspit was the music video 'Toxic Girl' back in 2011, and this one has it all: A very raw sound paired with aggress­ive beats and samples.

angelspit_-_carbon_beautyFor me it's hard to listen to a com­plete Angelspit album at a time, but each song on its own works per­fectly for a good night on the dancefloor.

Official Angelspit channels:


Watch the music video 'Angelspit – Toxic Girl (Uncensored Version)' now:

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chemical_sweet_kid_logo4. Chemical Sweet Kid

So far I didn´t pay atten­tion to 'Chemical Sweet Kid'. I'm not the typ­ic­al Industrial Metal Fan. However, the music video 'Kiss My Hate' impressed me highly. This track is taken from the album 'The Speed Of Time' and it's out­stand­ing. If I´d have had to make the choice which one might become a single, I´d have chosen 'Kiss My Hate' as well.

chemical_sweet_kid_-_the_speed_of_timePersonally I hope they stick to elec­tron­ic sounds and big beats. This track has the poten­tial to come up to a 'The Prodigy' track.

Official Chemical Sweet Kid channels:


Watch the music video 'Chemical Sweet Kid – Kiss My Hate' now:


transmitter_logo5. Transmitter

The first time I got in touch with Transmitter was on a small fest­iv­al in Viersen, Germany. They were the evening´s last band and they only had a time frame of 30–40 minutes. Before them the over-hyped head­liner 'Everlast' bored the audi­ence almost to death, so that  most of the crowd simply left the area dur­ing his ever­last­ing 2 hour set. And sud­denly there is Transmitter: "BOOOOMM!!!". Big beats and a very ener­get­ic gig. Everyone was hyp­not­ized by the show and music. Really fast they filled the area again. Personally I don't like Hip Hop music, but these beats, rhythms and tunes catch me irresistibly.

transmitter_band"In the world of Biochemistry and phys­ics a Transmitter is clas­si­fied as a con­nect­ing ele­ment, but since the start of the mil­leni­um, 3 guys from Hanover and Newcastle have been using the term to define their own music – an unbe­liev­able ener­get­ic excit­ing mix­ture of all styles and genres. 'Transmitter' unite, com­bine and bring togeth­er – not only dif­fer­ent sounds and styles of music like Electro, Hip-Hop, Dance, Rock, Drum 'n' Bass or reg­gae, …" (taken from offi­cial Transmitter homepage)

Official Transmitter channels:


Check out their own online store here: shop.transmittermusic.de

Watch the music video 'Transmitter – Crossed Swords' now:


the_qemists_logo6. The Qemists

'It doesn't mat­ter what they say' but 'Run You' is a hell of a track. This is a hit single with explos­ive beats and taken from the great album 'Warrior Sound' that I reviewed a while ago. I already loved the pre­curs­or album 'Spirit In The System' from 2010 with the single 'Take It Back' fea­tur­ing Enter Shikari. And I have to say that 'Warrior Sound' is a fant­ast­ic successor.

the_qemists_-_warrior_soundThe Qemists are an elec­tron­ic music group from Brighton, United Kingdom. They mix all kinds of music ele­ments like Electro, Drum And Bass, Big Beat, Breakbeat, Electrorock, and Rave in an unbe­liev­ably cre­at­ive way. You should def­in­itely give it a try and listen.

Official The Qemists channels:



Watch the music video 'The Qemists – Run You' now:


die_antwoord_logo7. Die Antwoord

I was incred­ibly con­fused when I saw the first dis­turb­ing music video of 'Die Antwoord'. At the same time I was also fas­cin­ated by the visu­al aes­thet­ics and the hot elec­tron­ic beats. Actually, I had decided not to like 'Die Antwoord', because a major part of their music is Hip Hop. However, I changed my mind to view at least all music videos which are truly out­stand­ingly great. And some­how the beats have stayed in my mind for weeks. Then I reminded myself of the Electrozombies claim 'Undead And Open-Minded'. So I listened to the songs again open-minded, and I def­in­itely start to love their songs.

die_antwoord_-_donker_magOfficial Die Antwoord channels:



Watch the music video 'Die Antwoord – Pitbull Terrier' now:

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atari_teenage_riot_logo8. Atari Teenage Riot

You ask your­self why I put a fam­ous band like 'Atari Teenage Riot' on this list? Well, I noticed that many young people just don't know 'ATR'. And I think they are just as essen­tial a band as 'The Prodigy'. For almost 25 years now they´re enrich­ing us with their self-inven­ted music genre digit­al hard­core, which is a mix­ture between techno and punk. Most lyr­ics are polit­ic­ally motiv­ated, and the aver­age speed seems to be around 160–180 BPM.

atari_teenage_riot_-_is_this_hyerrealIn order not to swamp you music­ally, I chose 'Black Flags' which comes as close to a bal­lad as 'Atari Teenage Riot' will ever get. It still has an aggress­ive and full, fat boom beat, which can eas­ily chal­lenge the music of 'The Prodigy'. The track 'Black Flags' is taken from the 2011 album 'Is This Hyerreal?'.

Official Atari Teenage Riot channels:



Watch the music video 'Atari Teenage Riot – Black Flags' now:


enter_shikari_logo9. Enter Shikari

Maybe most of my read­ers might not like this entry, because of the heavy use of gui­tar and rock ele­ments. I think 'Enter Shikari' can face 'The Prodigy' without hes­it­a­tion. In fact they also use syn­thes­izers and samples in their music, and they sound really cool. Also the atti­tude of the music and the band mem­bers are sim­il­ar to Liam Howlett's band. Independent, rad­ic­al and energetic!

enter-shikari_-_a-flash-flood-of-colourI love the band since their debut called 'Take Me To The Skies' from 2007. But I also would like to sug­gest the album 'The Flash Flood Of Colour' for which I wrote a track by track review.

Official Enter Shikari channels:



Watch the music video 'Enter Shikari – Quelle Surprise' now:


korn_logo10. Korn Feat. Skrillex & Kill The Noise

The almost final entry is unfor­tu­nately an one-time fusion of three great bands. The song 'Narcissistic Cannibal' is a ground­break­ing mas­ter­piece of cros­sov­er style. And espe­cially in this one it works out fant­ast­ic­ally. The new met­al band 'Korn' col­lab­or­ates with dub­step young­sters 'Skrillex' and 'Kill The Noise'. This track is taken from the album 'The Path Of Totality' where Korn also cooper­ates with oth­er bands from the elec­tron­ic music scene.

korn_-_the_path_of_totalityI think 'The Path Of Totality' is the best Korn album ever! Korn has a unique sound of which they can be proud, but the last few albums became more and more insig­ni­fic­ant. With these strong elec­tron­ic ele­ments the typ­ic­al Korn sound came to a new life.

Official Korn channels:



Watch the music video 'Korn (feat. Skrillex & Kill The Noise) – Narcissistic Cannibal' now:


BONUS CONTENT! After listining to 10 great bands let´s compare with the heroes of this article – 'The Prodigy'


the_prodigy_logo_55The Prodigy

There is not much to say about 'The Prodigy'. They´ve simply writ­ten already music his­tory, and their career isn't over yet. They inspired a lot of bands, and had and still have a huge influ­ence on the elec­tron­ic music scene. But there are some final thoughts I want to utter shortly.

the_prodigy_band_photoAs last track I choose the song 'Breathe' from 1996. The song is almost 20 years old, but it still sounds fresh. Why I chose this song you may ask? Well, the song 'Firestarter' is def­in­itely over-used, but it's still a quite good song. All the 'new­er tracks' (after 'The Fat Of The Land') don't show the revolu­tion­ary idea behind 'The Prodigy', as clearly as the songs did 20 years ago. All earli­er songs were some­how embed­ded with­in the ini­tial 90s techno hype. If they had stopped mak­ing music after 'Music For The Jilted Generation', I guess people would remem­ber them as an usu­al band of the techno move­ment, and oth­er­wise would have for­got­ten them pretty fast.

Continuing after the big hype and focus­ing on their own style makes them what 'The Prodigy' is today. One of the greatest 'big beat' bands in the world.

Official The Prodigy channels:


Watch the music video 'The Prodigy – Breathe' now:


Enjoy the whole playlist on Spotify



You know more similar bands? Maybe even more extreme?

Please share your thoughts in the com­ments. If you think, I for­got some­thing or you just want to sug­gest oth­er related bands, feel invited to use the com­ment sec­tion below! Watch out for more lists com­ing soon.

Most popular posts of the last 30 days

  1. KMFDM – maybe a little more on the Industrial side things, but has some "big beat" heavy songs you can dance to. Whats cool about KMFDM is that the albums are "elec­tron­ica" (with some gui­tar) but live they are mostly gui­tars and play the songs more in a met­al way with a full band. Really cool.
    Another artist I have got­ten into is "Irving Force". Swedish elec­tron­ica with Guitar, and there are some good remixes of his music by Gor FLSH, and Volkor X. Godmode best album.
    Eisbrecher – German band com­pared to Rammstein, but more techno/dance beat than Rammstein. "This is Deutsch" plus many others/ I really like these guys.
    Headsplitter – maybe best name ever, and fol­lows up with some killer elec­tron­ica tracks. "Hyperpunk", and EP "Welcome Night City".
    Karl Casey – White Bat Audio. Hours of qual­ity Techno and copy­write free music to enjoy. "Shin Godzilla" if you want to give your sub­woof­er a workout. :)
    Zardonic – nat­ur­ally. He has an unbe­liev­able long list of music and remixes.
    Vector 7 -
    Pendulum – Witchcraft (Rob Swires D & B remix) – hard­est hit­ting D&B song out there.
    Dance with the Dead – "The Shape" a great album
    Naeleck – "Dark is all I see". and num­ber of oth­er great stuff.
    La Castle Vania – John Wick, need I say more?
    Paul Oakenfold – yes been around for awhile, but still has some time­less great stuff. "Ready, Steady, Go, Korean Style".
    But yeah when it comes to Prodigy, they are the top of that game, with The Crystal Method hav­ing some really good stuff as well. It's Prodigy's con­sist­ency from album to album that amazes me. They haven't done a bad album in my book. And won­der if any­one will be able to be worthy enough to take that torch into the future. Peace.

    1. Thank you for your detailed and above all help­ful addi­tion to the list. It always makes me very happy when vis­it­ors read the whole post and can con­trib­ute some­thing use­ful. Much bet­ter than the usu­al hate com­ments that I have to move to the trash.

  2. I was really dis­ap­poin­ted in this list. None are as good as prodigy. But still was worth check­ing them out. HADOUKEN has some good prodigyesque songs. More of the no tour­ists feel

    1. "Bigger beats" than the Prodigy yeah sure… I think you just need to accept des­pite a couple of songs it is very hard to reach Prodigy level con­sist­ently. Liam Howlett is like Mozart on acid, a geni­ous able to fit togeth­er break­beat, big­beat, punk, funk, hiphop, rave, trash, dance, rock, met­al and ele­ments of drum and bass in the same albums with songs that sound con­sist­ent to each oth­er, but at the same time every album has a dif­fer­ent fla­vour. I'm sorry but you will not find that unique "post-nuc­le­ar funky punky" sound any­where else. Not to men­tion the scen­ic per­form­ances by Keith Flint and Maxim on stage. That is where the gap spreads even more. Pure energy, engagement,they make you scream like crazy they make you feel indis­truct­ible.. pure in your face adren­aline.. it's an exper­i­ence. About groups you men­tioned here I like to keep Korn dif­fer­ent from the Prodigy because they are. Korn are an unique nu met­al band with a cha­ris­mat­ic noir-psy­cho­drama-mat­rix lead­er Jonathan Davis. They have their own sig­na­ture sound even if nowdays Skrillex added some lazers.

      The Quemists and Zardonic are more into drum n bass with the fusion of met­al wich is very cool, I quite like them for what they are but again it's dif­fer­ent, no funky rave ele­ments, no breakbeat/ big­beat, no mc Maxim style, no punk Keith Flint style.

      My advice for people is to stop look­ing for a Prodigy replace­ment. You will not find it. Buy all their albums and cre­ate your own plal­ist mix­ing stuff from oth­er people, Pendulum, Noisia if you are into drum and bass, Zardonic The Quemists, are ok for met­al-drum­n­bass, listen to neurofunk.

      For break­beat lov­ers you have to go back to the 90's. Again don't expect the Prodigy sound but Crystal Method Vegas album is a very good one with prop­er 303 riffs and well made beats. Chemical Brothers Dig Your Own Hole and Surrender are good enough. Bomfunk Mc's are very cool, they sound old­school-hiphop-break­beat-futur­ist­ic. Fatboy Slim you've come a long way.

      For met­al heads, listen to Metallica, Disturbed, Slipknot.

      For rap hiphop mixed with rock listen Nu Metal 90's 2k. Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, P.O.D., Papa Roach,

      Unique Nu Metal band for psy­co­drama indus­tri­al noir: Korn

      Synthpop future­pop EBM: Apotygma Berzerk

  3. I think you can add the swedish band Rave the Reqviem to the list. Their first album really got it all – espe­cially the "Ikaros" track. Turn the volume up. They are in the mak­ing of a 2nd album.

    1. I know this com­ment was over a year ago now, but I just have to say thanks for the sug­ges­tion! I checked out Rave the Reqviem after read­ing this and I was almost instantly in love :3

  4. Protafield is incred­ible!! Totally agree that they were ground­break­ing, but being a devoted Jayce Lewis fan we all knew it was really Jayce, just with a new name change. 10/10

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