On our own behalf: Madcap Movies is launched

On our own behalf: Madcap Movies is launched

Madcap Movies SignetAttention, fans of the wacky movies! I am proud to present my new web­site "Madcap Movies". Madcap Movies, where san­ity takes a back­seat and the extraordin­ary reigns. Explore a realm of mind-bend­ing won­ders, where bizarre con­cepts and breath­tak­ing visu­als col­lide. Join our com­munity of dar­ing cinephiles who embrace the unconventional.

What is Madcap Madness about?

First of all, this site is not about bash­ing or diss­ing the movies lis­ted, as the name of the web­site might sug­gest. On the con­trary, we love movies that are bey­ond the norm. These are not just so-called “trash movies”, because there are also pro­duc­tions with big­ger budgets that don’t shy away from weird ideas. And also those with a crazy twist in the middle of the movie like ‘From Dusk Till Dawn’ or movies like ‘The Matrix’, whose story and images had such a massive impact that they have become part of movie history.

But they are also joined by such absurd movies as "Slaxx", a pair of jeans pos­sessed that kills people. Or more recent clas­sics like "Iron Sky", about Nazis on the moon. We're not too uncom­fort­able as long as the movie idea is crazy enough.

In short: Idea first, budget second!

Madcap Movies is about movies that are dif­fer­ent from main­stream cinema and go far bey­ond the usu­al view­ing habits. Of course, the concept of a “niche movie web­site without main­stream cinema” is not a new inven­tion of mine. However, I think the selec­tion of movies here is more than “spe­cial” com­pared to oth­er spe­cial­ised movie websites.

Madcap Movies features movies like …

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