The best Synthpop websites (to discover amazing Synthpop music)

The best Synthpop websites (amazing sites to discover)

Variety is the spice of life. With this in mind, I'd like to show­case oth­er great music web­sites and magazines with sim­il­ar, over­lap­ping genres of Synthpop that enrich the scene along­side Electrozombies. I vis­it these sites reg­u­larly because oth­er­wise I would miss Synthpop music videos or import­ant releases here and there for our visitors.

The con­struct of com­pet­it­ive think­ing is com­pletely ali­en to me. Personally, I see us all more as a big fam­ily who share the same pas­sion for dark, elec­tron­ic music. As I men­tioned before, Synth Pop is just one area we share, but each magazine with­in this list has a dif­fer­ent unique and spe­cial­ised focus. I would like to share this sources with you in this post "The best Synthpop web­sites (to dis­cov­er amaz­ing Synthpop music)" and inspire you to vis­it these sites regularly.

By the way, only inter­na­tion­al web­sites were con­sidered for the list.

Best Synthpop websites and magazines (Alphabetical order)

Brutal Resonance

Brutal Resonance LogoThe web­site Brutal Resonance was launched in 2009 by Patrik Lindström. It star­ted out as a purely Swedish magazine, but quickly went inter­na­tion­al. BTW: Patrik also pro­grammed the music data­base Electroracle in 2014. Basically a mod­ern-look­ing Discogs spe­cific­ally for elec­tron­ic music. Definitely worth a visit!

The main per­son respons­ible for the con­tent on Brutal Resonance is Steven Gullotta, who joined in 2012. Musically, the guys are a bit more rugged. True Northmen, that is (wink smi­ley). According to their own state­ment, they cov­er the fol­low­ing genres: Harsh EBM/Aggrotech, Electro-Industrial, Industrial, Futurepop, Synthpop, Darkwave, New-Wave, Neofolk/Neo-clas­sic­al, Martial Industrial, Industrial Rock / Industrial Metal, Dark Ambient, Power Noise, Power Electronics, Rythmic Noise and TBM/IDM.


The Electricity Club logoELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK was foun­ded in 2017. In terms of music­al devel­op­ment and his­tory, England and Germany have the same roots, espe­cially in the elec­tron­ic sec­tor. The Electricity Club's approach is a little dif­fer­ent from the usu­al blogs, but not irrelevant.

The site's mani­festo says: "Founded on 15th March 2010, ELECTRICITYCLUB.CO.UK aims to fea­ture the best in new and clas­sic elec­tron­ic Pop music. It doesn't pro­mote bands or sup­port scenes, it just writes about the music it likes, and occa­sion­ally some music it doesn't like…". But don't worry, Electro Pop and Synth Pop are sol­id pil­lars in the con­tent here. I vis­it the site reg­u­larly and always find what I'm look­ing for.

Electro Wow

Electro Wow LogoSince 2007 Erick Ycaza (founder) runs the Electro/Dance Music Blog 'Electro Wow'. With the claim 'Discover new music every day' Erick has writ­ten big things on the ban­ner. But in fact the site is updated reg­u­larly and often.

In his blog he provides his read­er­ship with exclus­ive inter­views, song reviews, video clips, dance music news, fash­ion art­icles, press releases and more. The music genres covered here are more club and party ori­ented. In the fol­low­ing these are lis­ted like here: EDM, Electro Pop, Indie Pop, House, Trance, Techno, Tech House, and Dubstep. But I also find some Synth Pop pearls here from time to time.


Electrozombies Logo Black 250pxI don't think it's selfish to list my own web­site here. This entry only con­trib­utes to the com­plete­ness of the list. Electrozombies star­ted in 2010 as a pure music video blog and has gradu­ally developed into this magazine. You can find more details on the pages 'The story behind the ori­gin of Electrozombies' and 'About us'. Apart from that, I hope that we have a per­man­ent place in your book­marks along­side these won­der­ful oth­er websites.

I Die: You Die

I Die: You DieBruce and Alex named their music blog 'I Die: You Die' after a song by Gary Numan from 1980. So the dir­ec­tion of the march is already clearly set. Since 2011, they have been reg­u­larly updat­ing their music blog with new songs, mix­tapes and art­icles from the scene in the fields of Industrial, EBM, Goth, Dark Electro and related genres. For quite some time now, they have also been cov­er­ing the pod­cast seg­ment with the name 'We have a tech­nic­al'. Be sure to listen in here.

By the way, the con­tent is more up-to-date than the visu­al appear­ance of the blog. The design has barely changed since the blog was foun­ded. So besides the latest music news, you get the good old blog feel­ing of the early 2000s.

Kaltblut Magazine

KALTBLUT magazine logoWith the claim 'Art Fashion Music. Made in Berlin', the German KALTBULT magazine doesn't really fit into this list. Since the magazine is very strongly con­nec­ted to the LGBTQ+ and art scene, I some­times come across some great music tips from the genres Electro Pop and Synth Pop.

The magazine was foun­ded in 2011 by Marcel Schlutt and Naikee Simoneau. Besides the web­site, KALTBLUT also pro­duces a phys­ic­al magazine every 3 to 4 months, which is avail­able in well-cur­ated stores. logoThe domain of the site has been registered since 2004. Since 2016, how­ever, the site has really taken off. The web­site says: " was cre­ated as a cent­ral loc­a­tion online for fans of Post-Punk, Goth, Industrial/EBM, New Wave, Shoegaze, and oth­er Avant-Garde music". For me, this site is mainly a source for really cool and fresh Dark Wave bands. I reg­u­larly find what I'm look­ing for here.

The art­icle is called "The best Synthpop web­sites (to dis­cov­er amaz­ing Synthpop music)" and that's not what the site sug­gests at first glance, but I assure you that there is an over­lap and some good matches.

ReGen Magazine

ReGen Magazine logo

The ReGen Magazine by Ilker Yücel is an online resource ded­ic­ated to cre­at­ive music, with an emphas­is on under­ground Goth, Electro, Industrial music and oth­er genres that deserve atten­tion. It provides detailed and inde­pend­ent eval­u­ation and ana­lys­is to help expose bril­liant, vis­ion­ary, and cre­at­ive musi­cians to the audience.

Release Magazine

Release Magazine logoRelease Magazine seems to be a dino­saur among the music web­sites. According to its own inform­a­tion, the first web­site exis­ted already in 1997! While Release Music & Media was foun­ded in 1986. I have to admit that I haven't known the site for that long. I got to know the site more after the relaunch in 2012. In any case, the look and struc­ture is sim­il­ar to that of ReGen Magazine. Of course, this may depend on the WordPress theme used. I don't know if there is a dir­ect connection.

If you read the his­tory of the com­pany on the About us pages, it seems that Release Magazine is an estab­lished insti­tu­tion in Sweden. Respect and com­pli­ments at this point from my side. Good work! Like Electrozombies, the Release Magazine mainly cov­ers elec­tron­ic Pop music such as Synth Pop, Electro Pop, Future Pop, Dark Pop and similar.


Pop Justice logoYou listen to elec­tron­ic Pop music that is radio-friendly and drifts a bit more towards the main­stream? Then I'd like to recom­mend Popjustice magazine to you, because you'll find what you're look­ing for here. Especially if you're look­ing for well-cur­ated Spotify playl­ists, this source is worth its weight in gold. We are music­ally far more gloomy on the road, but even I find a few music­al star­lets at inter­vals, which we then also publish.

The site has been around since 2000, but I only came across this valu­able site by chance 2–3 years ago. I don't know how it remained hid­den from me for so long. But that's why a con­tri­bu­tion to dis­cov­er­ing new web­sites like this one is just right. Besides the usu­al blog posts, I would like to men­tion the par­tic­u­larly lov­ingly designed his­tory of Popjustice, which you can view on the page "Popjustice: Est 2000".

Synthpop Fanatic

Synthpop Fanatic logoThe new kid on the block is Synthpop Fanatic, a web­site by Chris Brandon. In terms of our per­son­al birth year (not web­site), we're likely to be in the same league and thus have a sim­il­ar pool of music know­ledge. Created in 2019, the site has grown at a break­neck speed and is devel­op­ing very well visu­ally, by UX and con­tent-wise. I have to be hon­est, I would rather have Chris be part of my Electrozombies team as the over­lap is extremely large.

However, I love this web­site because Chris always finds bands and music videos that I don't have on my radar. I think it's the same the oth­er way round. In this spir­it, we are "part­ners in crime". The descrip­tion of the web­site is pre­cicely of what you can expect: "Synthpop Fanatic is a blog devoted to dark dance music: Synthpop, Futurepop, Darkwave, Electro. I cov­er album releases, music news, videos, and reviews.". A vis­it to the web­site is highly recommended.


Synthpoplover logoAlso rel­at­ively new (since 2015) to the online scene is Dutchman John Orie with his blog Synthpoplover. The con­tent is updated reg­u­larly and you can tell that John is pas­sion­ate about it.

The tech­nic­al envir­on­ment is a little dif­fi­cult at some points and still has a lot of room for improve­ment. But John is also work­ing on that reg­u­larly. It feels like the site looks a little dif­fer­ent every time you vis­it it. In any case, I am curi­ous to see where the jour­ney will take us. The web­site is def­in­itely a good source for Synthpop-rel­ev­ant music and topics.

The Electricity Club

The Electricity ClubDon't be con­fused, this is not a duplic­ate entry or an error in the mat­rix. This is the ori­gin­al and ori­gin­at­ing site of The Electricity Club. The site was launched in 2010, the same year as Electrozombies is estab­lished. Paul Browne who main­tains the site was also respons­ible for the offi­cial site of OMD until 2010. Now he do main­tain the OMD Messages site.

Besides the main site of The Electricity Club, he runs two oth­er niche sites that might be of interest to some vis­it­ors. These are J‑Pop Go and Wavegirl. Give them also a visit.

Honourable mentions

Depeche Mode Covers logoHere I would like to briefly intro­duce the web­site of my digit­al pal Michael. Are you a Depeche Mode fan and do you love cov­er ver­sions? Then this web­site should be famil­i­ar to you. If not, then go on, shoo shoo!

This is by far the best data­base for Depeche Mode cov­er ver­sions in the whole uni­verse. Unfortunately, Michael stopped main­tain­ing it a few years ago for per­son­al reas­ons. Even my beg­ging and offer­ing to pro­gram him a new web­site for easi­er main­ten­ance didn't help to revive the site. @ Michael: The offer is still valid!

Communion After Dark

Communion After Dark logoFor me, Communion After Dark is by far the best pod­cast in terms of dis­cov­er­ing new, dark elec­tron­ic music. The core team DJ Maus, DJ Paradise and DJ Tom Gold are all super sym­path­et­ic and pro­duce fant­ast­ic weekly pod­casts with guest DJs. I can't even begin to list how many bril­liant songs I've already dis­covered for myself as a res­ult. If I ever take a hol­i­day in Florida, which is def­in­itely on the cards, I will 100% come and vis­it you in per­son. You can take that as a warn­ing (wink smiley).

DNA Lounge

DNA Lounge logoThe DNA Lounge is actu­ally a nightclub in San Francisco, which of course begs the ques­tion: "What the hell is this entry doing here?". Almost monthly, the DNA Club pub­lishes a YouTube playl­ist called "JWZ Mixtapes", sim­il­ar to Electrozombies TV. Here I reg­u­larly find great music videos for our site. The music genres are very diverse here, mostly altern­at­ive and female vocals are pre­ferred here. I have already found one or anoth­er Electro Pop song here. You should def­in­itely check it out once a month.

Did we miss an important Synthpop website?

If you believe that we have for­got­ten an import­ant Synthpop web­site in this list, or if you have a site that is worthy of inclu­sion, please con­tact us. We will check the web­site and include it in the list, tak­ing into account vari­ous criteria.

Most popular posts of the last 30 days

  1. Hats off for you Tom or Thomas! Thank you for everything you are doing!
    Being a kid myself in the 80’s (time flies), I was the guy that was bul­lied by the hard rock­ers and the American Rockets, just by being a fan of elec­tron­ic music, and was tagged as the Dépêcher Boy, the bubble gum boy band (1982).
    New Wave music was the answer for me, which I think now has goes with dif­fer­ent genres (synth, dark, future… all the waves) is and always be the ulti­mate best music. Thanks to you and Chris from Synthpop Fanatic! We are always informed of new releases. Now I will check the oth­er sites the you pos­ted which I am so excit­ing to do! Again thank you and keep the music Alive. The mil­lion dol­lar ques­tion, will there be anoth­er Dépêche Mode album? Lol
    Thanks Elio

    1. Hi Elio,
      I was also one of the out­siders at school. Rap and Hip Hop were the big thing at my school, but I nev­er liked this music. I nev­er under­stood the exag­ger­ated cool­ness and the goal of want­ing to be a "real gang­ster". That's why I was bul­lied all through school. But today I think that many people in our gen­er­a­tion have almost the same story.
      In rela­tion to your ques­tion: I'm pretty sure that Depeche Mode already have the next album on the go. Only the release date is still up in the air. They're prob­ably wait­ing for the time when they can plan a big tour again. And I guess they will nev­er go in retire­ment and we will get a few more albums.

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