Me The Tiger – Ariana EP

“Ariana” – Upcoming EP with 8 (!) remix versions

"No, I say nothing at all …"

Ariana is the second hit single taken from the self­titled debut Me The Tiger. The song is about Ariana. A young girl Tobias met in a refugee camp in Palestine a couple of years ago. It’s a song about hope­less­ness, des­per­a­tion, decep­tion and hate.

The EP con­tains the hit-single Ariana and sev­er­al power­ful remixes, accom­pan­ied by a fant­ast­ic and dis­turb­ing video-clip.

Me The Tiger - Ariana EP


  1. Ariana (Album Version)
  2. Ariana (Mars TV Remix)
  3. Ariana (Neutrophic Remix)
  4. Ariana (Tobias The Tiger Remix)
  5. Ariana (Second System Remix)
  6. Ariana (LEHNBERG Remix)
  7. Ariana (NORAK Remix)
  8. Ariana (Mindquake Remix)
  9. Ariana (Martin Moral Remix)

Don't miss the album of Me The Tiger including the Hit-Single "Pocket Sized Edition Ending" and "Ariana"

me_the_tiger_-_stFinally the self-titled debut-album is now avail­able on CD for the first time. After the suc­cess­ful release of Vitriolic in 2015 and a huge demand of the fans Me The Tiger and RepoRecords decided to make the debut offi­cially avail­able again.

Although it is the very first out­put of the band, you will find all the ele­ments, which make Me The Tiger such an out­stand­ing band. While the band is cur­rently work­ing on a fol­low up to “Vitriolic”, their fans can bridge the time gap with the ori­gin­al debut of “Me The Tiger”.

The story of ME THE TIGER began at the same moment as the record­ing of the band's self-titled debut album. In February 2012, with a bunch of new songs on a USB stick in one hand and a bottle of red wine in the oth­er, Tobias was knock­ing on the door of Gabriella and Jonas. The first song that was com­pleted was "Pocket Sized Edition Ending", which in many ways would per­son­i­fy all that ME THE TIGER would become; ener­get­ic sequen­cers, power chords, driv­ing rhythms and emo­tion­al vocals.

me_the_tiger_-_band_photoThe writ­ing pro­cess and the record­ings pro­ceeded through­out the year, and in late October the band chose the eight songs that took place on their debut album. The ninth song on this release, “Borlänge”, is in fact a trib­ute to the loc­al music fest­iv­al "Peace & Love" which was forced to close down in 2013.

Lyrically the album is a reac­tion against all gender dis­crim­in­a­tion, xeno­pho­bia, reli­gious fan­at­icism and greedy cap­it­al­ism. The album is also heav­ily influ­enced by a jour­ney of Tobias, which took place six months before the album was recor­ded, where he became pain­fully aware of the res­ult of occu­pa­tion, oppres­sion and hope­less­ness. On top of that the lyr­ics also deal with rela­tion­ships, love and frustration.

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