Antsy – Colours & Shapes

Antsy - Colours & ShapesThe song 'Colours & Shapes' by the Icelandic band 'Antsy' begins dream­ily and a bit like the "nev­er-end­ing story". The soft vocals like from an almost cheesy 70s disco clas­sic give this elec­tro pop song some­thing unique.

The whole thing may sound a bit naive and super cheesy now. But that's exactly what it is! However, it is meant in the most pos­it­ive way. Think a bit in the dir­ec­tion of Pet Shop Boys and Erasure, then you have the rough dir­ec­tion. But instead of just think­ing in that dir­ec­tion, just listen to it for yourself.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Antsy – Colours & Shapes' on Spotify

Antsy about 'Colours & Shapes'

After releas­ing the exhil­ar­at­ing Cosmic Love last September, Antsy is back with a new single, Colours & Shapes. Four-on-the-floor drum beat, throb­bing bass line, and arpeg­gia­ted syn­thes­izers, Colours & Shapes is a dan­cing indie pop song, influ­enced as much by indie rock as acid house. 

Written, pro­duced and recor­ded by Antsy in Reykjavik, Colours & Shapes was mixed by Edgar Möller in Berlin (Germany), and mastered by Joe Lambert* in New York (USA).


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