Blackbook – Echos And Shadows

Blackbook - Echos And ShadowsYet anoth­er fresh banger from Switzerland's band "Blackbook" hit the road. "Echos And Shadows" is the open­er from the same-titled EP "Echos And Shadows". The EP also con­tains the pre­vi­ously released singles "Haunted Love", "Painkiller" and "Everybody Is A Nobody". The song is also part of the awe­some album "Radio Strange".

The song cap­tiv­ates the listen­er from the very first seconds and inev­it­ably invites you to dance with its pulsat­ing rhythm. "Echos And Shadows" cap­tiv­ates with its dynam­ics and smooth trans­ition from verse to chor­us, mak­ing the song instantly catchy.

As a fan of the band, I can't help but share my excite­ment for this latest track. "Blackbook" has man­aged to main­tain their unique sound while rais­ing the bar. Anticipation is high for their per­form­ance at the Amphi Festival in Cologne, where they will undoubtedly win over new fans. "Echos And Shadows" is a must-hear for any­one who appre­ci­ates deep elec­tron­ic music with a strong beat.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Official music video of "Blackbook – Echos And Shadows"

Listen to "Blackbook – Echos And Shadows" on Spotify

Listen to "Blackbook – Echos And Shadows" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "Blackbook – Echos And Shadows"

Echoes and shadows
Echoes and shadows
Echoes and shadows
Echoes and shadows

You taunt me, you tease me, you tor­ture me
You haunt me, you hurt me, you hassle me
You’re just a shad­ow of your former self
I’m just the echo of a bet­ter man

Echoes and shadows
A slow parade of yesterdays
Echoes and shadows
Almost gone without a trace

You bend me, you break me, you bury me
You mar me, you maim me, you murder me
I’m just a copy of a prototype
You’re just an image of a bet­ter time

Echoes and shadows
A slow parade of yesterdays
Echoes and shadows
Almost gone without a trace

Echoes and shadows
A memory that slowly fades
Echoes and shadows
Almost gone without a trace

Do you see me?
Can you hear me?
Do you see me?
Can you hear me?

Echoes and shadows
A slow parade of yesterdays
Echoes and shadows
Almost gone without a trace

Echoes and shadows
A memory that slowly fades
Echoes and shadows
Almost gone without a trace

Blackbook about "Echos And Shadows"

Switzerland’s most mys­ter­i­ous syn­thpop duo, BLACKBOOK, is back with an unfor­get­table new anthem! "Echoes And Shadows" invites you to embark on a jour­ney where memor­ies spring to life, and the past weaves an enig­mat­ic spell.

With a power­ful beat and cap­tiv­at­ing melod­ies, this remark­able song will trans­port you to a realm where nos­tal­gia and curi­os­ity col­lide. It's a music­al jour­ney that takes you deep­er into the shad­ows of your own exper­i­ences, leav­ing you yearn­ing for more.

Join BLACKBOOK on this intriguing exped­i­tion through the cor­ridors of time, where echoes of the past dance along­side mys­ter­i­ous shad­ows. Get ready to be hooked from the very first note!

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