CARV.R – Hvrt (Feat. Casey Desmond)

CARV.R - Hvrt (Feat. Casey Desmond)The synth pop song 'Hvrt (Feat. Casey Desmond)' by US artist 'CARV.R' is an extremely melod­ic piece, for the oth­er­wise rather grim dark synth sound of the artist. Listening to the latest releases, I have noticed that the songs with the guest sing­ers enhance the sound of "CARV.R" enormously.

This is also the case with 'Hvrt' (Hurt). The synths have a cer­tain snap­pi­ness and are beau­ti­fully crisp. Mixed with the har­mo­ni­ous, soft vocals of Casey Desmond, the com­pos­i­tion is just com­plete, sat­ur­ated and gives the song just enough pop to make the song pleas­ing. I really like it!

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'CARV.R – Hvrt (Feat. Casey Desmond)' on Spotify

Listen to 'CARV.R – Hvrt (Feat. Casey Desmond)' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'CARV.R – Hvrt (Feat. Casey Desmond)'

We piss and moan
Don’t get along
You’re stub­born like a stone
And you don’t like my tone
We battle at midnight
Each word is a choke
I nev­er want to fight
I’m bet­ter off alone

You know I couldn’t and I had to escape
I saw you gun­ning when I run away
Why do we hurt the ones we love?
I keep on fall­ing when I see your face
I wouldn’t have it any oth­er way
Why do we hurt the ones we love

The push and pull
The pain fulfills
You beat me down until
There’s no one at the helm
Walking on such a thin line
I’m want­ing you still
You come in for the kill
And all against my will

You know I couldn’t and I had to escape
I saw you gun­ning when I run away
Why do we hurt the ones we love?
I keep on fall­ing when I see your face
I wouldn’t have it any oth­er way
Why do we hurt the ones we love

CARV.R about 'Hvrt'

HVRT the new track by CARV.R fea­tur­ing Casey Desmond plunges the listen­er into a ret­ro­fur­tur­ist­ic, swirl­ing under­tow abet­ted by com­plic­ated reverb tinged per­cus­sion and addict­ive melod­ic hooks. The haunt­ing synth melod­ies are entwined with the radi­ant vocals of Casey and the enthralling accom­pa­ny­ing vocal har­mon­ies of CARV.R. There is indeed some­thing unset­tling, yet enti­cing, about the clev­er jux­ta­pos­i­tion of the plead­ing and ques­tion­ing lyr­ics with buoy­ant vocals and CARV.R’s com­plex, layered synth sound­scape. HVRT is an incred­ible evol­u­tion and fusion of dark synth ele­ments trans­port­ing the listen­er to an altern­at­ive and sat­is­fy­ing timeline while explor­ing the clouded aspects of dys­func­tion­al­ity that occur some­times with those that we love. 

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