CBKtrxx – Electronic Wave

Nostalgic sounds reinterpreted: CBKtrxx's 'Electronic Wave'

CBKtrxx - Electronic WaveIn the world of synth pop, CBKtrxx seems to bridge the gap between the nos­tal­gic sounds of the 80s and mod­ern elec­tron­ic music with his latest track "Electronic Wave". This Swedish-born artist has cre­ated a track that is not only catchy and calm, but also a clear homage to the icon­ic sound of Visage's "Fade To Grey".

"Electronic Wave" takes the listen­er on a relax­ing jour­ney through time, cap­tur­ing the essence of the New Wave and New Romantic move­ments of the early 80s. With its gentle melod­ic line and atmo­spher­ic syn­thes­izer sounds, the song offers an exper­i­ence that appeals to both the older gen­er­a­tion who grew up with these sounds and young­er listen­ers who are search­ing for the roots of elec­tron­ic music.

For young­er fans who like "elec­tron­ic wave" but don't know Visage, the song offers a per­fect reas­on to embark on a music­al jour­ney through time and dis­cov­er the clas­sics that shaped elec­tron­ic music.

Listen to "CBKtrxx – Electronic Wave" on Spotify

Lyrics of "CBKtrxx – Electronic Wave"

You look so animated
I mean like beautiful
I think you're pretty painted
I want to be with you

You're on an elec­tron­ic wave of ingenuity
I want that elec­tron­ic wave to tell you how I feel

You under­stand my language
You see the things I see
The dark and dirty wasted
Emotions into me

You're on an elec­tron­ic wave of ingenuity
I sense an elec­tron­ic wave so give me what I need

You're on an elec­tron­ic wave of ingenuity
I need that elec­tron­ic wave to tell you how I feel

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