Color Theory – Without A Doubt (Feat. My Manifesto)

An electronic mantra of calm

Color Theory - Without A Doubt (Feat. My Manifesto)With "Without A Doubt", Color Theory and My Manifesto present a remark­able syn­thes­is of synth pop and unex­pec­ted music­al twists. Although the song ori­gin­ates from the USA, it begins with a sound that is more remin­is­cent of Mediterranean indie pop, thanks to an acous­tic gui­tar that is not to everyone's taste. However, this irrit­at­ing intro­duc­tion only lasts for a short time – 17 seconds to be pre­cise – and only returns in the bridge. What ini­tially appears to be a point of cri­ti­cism devel­ops into its only real flaw as the song progresses.

From this moment on, "Without A Doubt" unfolds into a deep, warm syn­thet­ic exper­i­ence that casts a spell over the listen­er. The chor­us "Breathing in, Breathing out, Holding your breath, Without a doubt" cap­tiv­ates with its simple catchi­ness and quickly becomes an ear­worm. It is the sim­pli­city that is the greatest strength here, paired with an emo­tion­al and sooth­ing vocal that exudes a pleas­ant calmness.

This song is a clear example of how elec­tron­ic music can not only invite you to dance, but also to relax. "Without A Doubt" appeals par­tic­u­larly to those who are not just look­ing for a beat in elec­tron­ic music, but also for emo­tion­al depth. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Color Theory – Without A Doubt (Feat. My Manifesto)" on Spotify

Listen to "Color Theory – Without A Doubt (Feat. My Manifesto)" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "Color Theory – Without A Doubt (Feat. My Manifesto)"

Take away the pain if it hurts
Everything’s the same just like a curse
I know you want to be some­where else
Anywhere you go you find yourself

Breathing in
Breathing out
Holding your breath
Without a doubt

Drink away the pain, it only gets worse
Cure the dis­ease but you can’t stop the hurt
Everybody knows there’s noth­ing else
Enslave your­self until the pain is felt

Color Theory about "Without A Doubt (Feat. My Manifesto)"

I've been a fan of My Manifesto for a some time now, so I was pleas­antly sur­prised when Nick reached out to me about col­lab­or­at­ing. He spe­cific­ally wanted to cre­ate some­thing in the vein of Construction Time Again, and thought I would be the per­fect part­ner for the job.

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