Cushman – Your Love, Your Power

Cushman - Your Love, Your Power"Cushman" from the USA takes us on a music­al jour­ney through time with his latest release "Your Love, Your Power", which is both slightly naïve and pro­found and vul­ner­able. This dark pop song with a hint of elec­tro-pop brings a refresh­ing touch of the 80s to the cur­rent music­al landscape.

From the first listen, you notice that "Your Love, Your Power" con­veys a cer­tain naiv­ety in its melody and lyr­ics. But don't be fooled, this song is a real dis­cov­ery and radi­ates a charm­ing nos­tal­gia. Although the track could almost be a bit too poppy, Cushman man­ages to take an inter­est­ing turn through clev­er use of syn­thes­izers and elec­tron­ic elements.

The syn­thes­izer sounds in "Your Love, Your Power" are extremely remark­able and give the song a dis­tinct­ive atmo­sphere. They take the listen­er on a jour­ney through time, while at the same time mak­ing the song sound mod­ern. Cushman has def­in­itely shown a flair for the elec­tron­ic sound­scape here, and it would only be advis­able if he con­tin­ues to devel­op in this direction.

Listen to 'Cushman – Your Love, Your Power' on Spotify

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