Drag – Sophie

Drag - SophieThe dark wave song 'Sophie' is a fant­ast­ic track by the col­our­ful goth duo 'Drag'. But the song 'Sophie' also trans­ports a good por­tion of 80s synth pop over the air­waves. The song reminds me of 'An Honest Mistake' from 'The Bravery' in terms of mood and catchi­ness. And that is really a compliment!

Somehow this song has a light-hearted vibe, but in con­trast the sub­text is ser­i­ous in nature and hints at a break-up. At least that's what I'm inter­pret­ing here.

Thank you for my open eyes
Thank you for the tears I cried
Lyrics of 'Sophie' by 'Drag'

With lyr­ics like: "Thank you for the tears I cried", as an empath­et­ic per­son you imme­di­ately feel a deep con­nec­tion to the song. The com­bin­a­tion of dance­able song, mel­an­chol­ic mood and lyr­ics with a pinch of hope is exactly what we need for our dance floors. Definitely a synth/goth sum­mer hit.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Drag – Sophie' on Spotify

Listen to 'Drag – Sophie' on Soundcloud

Lyrics of 'Drag – Sophie'

Thank you for my open eyes
Thank you for the tears I cried
Thank you for the sounds you made
Thank you for the lives you saved

Thank you for the love I feel
Thank you for re-invent­ing the wheel
Thank you for this new landscape
Thank you for the role you played

I didn’t know you
But I loved you
But I loved you

Thank you for the risks you took
Thank you for the way you look
Thank you for cast­ing the dice
Thank you for your sacrifice

Thank you for the life you bring
Thank you for nev­er compromising
Thank you for the path you paved
Thank you for the space we craved

I didn’t know you
But I loved you
But I loved you
Oh Sophie

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