Draining Kiss – Fade Into The Dark

Draining Kiss - Fade Into The DarkWelcome to the elec­tron­ic sound­scape of "Draining Kiss" from the USA, as today we dive into their latest track, "Fade Into The Dark". This song takes us on a nos­tal­gic jour­ney to the era of the 80s, when synth-pop and dark wave romantic­ally darkened the music scene.

With a melody that unmis­tak­ably sounds like the 80s, "Fade Into The Dark" imme­di­ately draws us under its spell. The open­ing vocals feel as if they have sprung dir­ectly from the post-punk and dark wave era. This is where Draining Kiss' strength comes to the fore – their abil­ity to cap­ture the essence of dec­ades past and put it into a con­tem­por­ary con­text. But, if I may give one piece of advice, it would be to go for less elec­tron­ic effects on the vocals. While these can be cre­at­ive, in this case they didn't have the desired effect on me.

Nevertheless, "Fade Into The Dark" remains an impress­ive and dark track that con­vinces with an intense atmo­sphere and goth­ic vibes. This song trans­ports you into a realm of romance and dark­ness where you can feel the past through the melody. What I per­son­ally per­haps miss a little is the pres­sure and crisp­ness that are cru­cial for the dance floor. Nevertheless, you can already sway to this song.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Draining Kiss – Fade Into The Dark' on Spotify

Listen to 'Draining Kiss – Fade Into The Dark' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'Draining Kiss – Fade Into The Dark'

Standing in the void
Echoing in silence
Forgetting time
We were feed­ing on the rot­ting scraps to survive
But we were barely get­ting by

Silence hold me now
We'll nev­er settle down
Love is a casket
And we're not get­ting out
Our fleet­ing time
As strangers in the night
Until we're bur­ied in the ground

But now I found you in the night
We're get­ting it in time
In fad­ing light
Though this life is futile by design
We'll march into the set­ting sun

Fade into the dark
Fade into the dark
Fade into the dark

Silence hold me now
We'll nev­er settle down
Love is a casket
And we're not get­ting out
Our fleet­ing time
As strangers in the night
Until we're bur­ied in the ground

Don't fail me now
We'll nev­er settle down
Love bears a casket
And we're not get­ting out
Our beat­ing hearts
Will dance away the night
Until we're bur­ied in the ground

Draining Kiss about 'Fade Into The Dark'

Taking cues from clas­sic '80s dark­wave, synth-pop, and post-punk, Fade into the Dark spins these ele­ments into a dark synth bal­lad of love and mor­tal­ity, find­ing the beauty in the uni­on of these two oppos­ing forces. It is the first single from the upcom­ing second EP from Draining Kiss.

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