eLxAr – Game Of Love

eLxAr - Game Of LoveWith "Game Of Love", the Italian act "eLxAr" deliv­ers a synth pop/synthwave hybrid that skil­fully moves between times. The relaxed, yet erot­ic mood of the song cap­tures the flair of a dreamy love story without drift­ing into kitsch. eLxAr demon­strates a fine sense of the bal­an­cing act between retro and mod­ern – a com­bin­a­tion that should appeal not only to fans of the genre, but also to lov­ers of the goth­ic scene.

The sing­er nav­ig­ates through dif­fer­ent pitches with her voice, which gives the song a dynam­ic depth. Despite the slightly retro feel sug­ges­ted by the cov­er art­work, the sound remains sur­pris­ingly mod­ern. eLxAr avoids exag­ger­ated nos­tal­gia and instead focusses on a con­tem­por­ary synth sound that cap­tiv­ates the listener.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "eLxAr – Game Of Love" on Spotify

Listen to "eLxAr – Game Of Love" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "eLxAr – Game Of Love"

In a cold and empty room
Where we decided to play
A mas­ochist­ic game of love
Where both hearts can decay

I bet my heart blindly
Believe you'll do the same for me
Deceived by your lies
Now pay­ing the price every single day

I bet my heart
Thought you were the one now I know
Lost from the start
In pain of trust­ing you for so long

Broken and betrayed
Painful memor­ies nev­er fade
It's like a night­mare that comes back to me
Every single day

I bet my heart
Thought you were the one now I know
Lost from the start
In pain of trust­ing you for so long

You break my love apart
I don't believe in you anymore
Now I'm lost in the dark
Hard to heal and love like before

You nev­er cared about what you had
It was nev­er enough
You took all I could give
And threw it all away
For the thrill of anoth­er play

I bet my heart
Thought you were the one now I know
Lost from the start
In pain of trust­ing you for so long

You break my love apart
I don't believe in you anymore
Now I'm lost in the dark
Hard to heal and love like before

I don't believe in you anymore

Hard to heal and love like before

eLxAr about "Game Of Love"

"Game Of Love" is a song about rela­tion­ships in the mod­ern world: a world in which the emo­tion of the moment is more import­ant than everything, bring­ing to frail rela­tion­ships, cheat­ing, and the dis­tor­tion of the concept of Love itself. This cre­ates an end­less cycle of inflic­ted and self-inflic­ted psy­cho­lo­gic­al and emo­tion­al scars that feed on itself and can dam­age people for the entirety of a lifetime.

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