Emmon – Machines

Emmon - MachinesWith an ice-cold and almost min­im­al­ist­ic sound the Swedish artist 'Emmon' per­forms her new song 'Machines'. The sound and atti­tude sounds heav­ily inspired by a mix­ture of 'REIN' and early 80s 'Depeche Mode' sounds. Pretty cool if you ask me.

The synths are as vicious as the techno track from the club scene in the movie 'Blade'. But more var­ied and clev­erly arranged. For my taste, 'Emmon' could have packed a bit more lyr­ics on the song, because in my opin­ion they are a bit too short here. But some­how I can live with that. I also like 'The Prodigy' and they are not exactly known for their dis­tinct­ive lyrics.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to Emmon – Machines on Spotify

Listen to Emmon – Machines on Bandcamp

Official music video 'Emmon – Machines'

Lyrics of 'Emmon – Machines'

Come to me and feel the love of machines
Hold me and feel the love of machines
And try my regulator
And touch my modulator

Emmon about 'Machines'

'Machines' is an EBM-track packed with thun­der­ing bass­lines and gritty synths, all com­ing togeth­er seam­lessly to Emma's char­ac­ter­ist­ic­ally smooth sop­rano vocals. The indus­tri­al-club romantic vibe and insist­ent pump­ing beat of the new track is made totally at home in a music video cre­ated by Carl Stenlöv (from the film col­lect­ive SMACK), with it's altern­at­ing vig­or­ous and cool calibre. 

Emma goes on to explain: “We actu­ally had a com­pletely dif­fer­ent video idea from the begin­ning that went to waste. So in a couple of days I quickly came up with a new idea and bor­rowed a fant­ast­ic­ally nice mod­u­lar sys­tem (a type of ana­log synth) from "EFN – Escape from noise". Then Carl and I locked ourselves in a dark movie stu­dio for a couple of hours, got a lot of inspir­a­tion in the heat of the moment and got loose among light effects, smoke and strobo­scopes. Carl edited the video over a night and the res­ult embraces the energy in the song in a very con­crete way. If you look closely, you can also see a lot of ref­er­ences to "Twin Peaks" and David Lynch who is one of my biggest sources of inspiration."

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