Fred Skitty – 1983

‘1983’ – A wave of nostalgia with Fred Skitty

Fred Skitty - 1983"Fred Skitty" takes us on a nos­tal­gic trip to the eighties. Her latest track ‘1983’ is a prime example of suc­cess­ful syn­thwave that cap­tures the feel­ing of a bygone era. The pro­duc­tion is con­sist­ently high qual­ity, with a relaxed and cheer­ful atmo­sphere that eas­ily cap­tures the listen­er without being too intrus­ive. The song skil­fully plays with the long­ing for a time that many (includ­ing the artist) only know from stories.

Lyrically, ‘1983’ is a declar­a­tion of love to the 80s. The lyr­ics reflect a long­ing for the sup­posedly care­free youth of that time. Especially the lines "Could you tell me how it was in 1983? When people seemed to be fear­less and free" epi­tom­ise this nos­tal­gia per­fectly. The outro of the song, enriched with a mod­er­a­tion sample that is strongly remin­is­cent of the icon­ic outro of ‘The Race’ by Yello, rein­forces the retro feel­ing and closes the track with a strong, emo­tion­al echo.

Although ‘1983’ is tech­nic­ally sol­id as a song and has no flaws, it could do with a little more cour­age to take unusu­al music­al turns or a stronger lyr­ic­al depth. However, Fred Skitty man­ages to authen­tic­ally con­vey the aes­thet­ics and spir­it of the 80s, mak­ing the track a won­der­ful addi­tion to any playl­ist ded­ic­ated to the sounds of the past.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Fred Skitty – 1983" on Spotify

Listen to "Fred Skitty – 1983" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "Fred Skitty – 1983"

Sur la photo de classe
L’innocence est manifeste
Et si jeun­esse se passe
Les souven­irs restent

Idoles sur papi­er glacé
Du top 50 et des séries B
Sex-sym­boles d’un jour souvent si vite oubliés

Could you tell me how it was in 1983?
When people seemed to be fear­less and free
Could you tell me how it was in 1983?
Cause I won­der what’s next and it scares me

In 1983
In 1983
In 1983
In 1983

Un reflet dans la glace
Quelques cheveux blancs
Parfois l’avenir m’angoisse
Mais était-ce vraiment mieux avant?

Influences numérisées
C’est vrai que beau­c­oup de choses ont changées
Le con­nect­ing people nous aurait-il éloignés?

Could you tell me how it was in 1983?
When people seemed to be fear­less and free
Could you tell me how it was in 1983?
Cause I won­der what’s next and it scares me

But I could tell you how it was in 2003
Back when I was a little girl watch­ing MTV
And I could tell you how it was in 2023
Back when I was a super­star wannabe

In 1983
In 1993
In 2003
In 2013
In 2023

In 1983

Que veux-tu qu’on y fasse,
Déjà 40 ans,
(Et raconte-moi)
Et si la vie te semble fade,
Faisons plein de souven­irs en rab,
Et si jamais tu te lasses, souvi­ens-toi du bon vieux temps.

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