Gogh Gogh – SpaceBabe

Gogh Gogh - SpaceBabeHey, I have a hot new track to share with you all. It's called 'SpaceBabe' and it's from the tal­en­ted artist 'Gogh Gogh', hail­ing from the USA. This dream pop/electro pop track is a mas­ter­piece, with a mel­an­chol­ic and dreamy mood that's per­fect for any music lover.

Right from the start, the soar­ing synths and the female vocals draw you in and trans­port you to a dif­fer­ent world. The lyr­ics are all about the uncer­tainty that comes with growth and the real­iz­a­tion of one's own power and strength. It's a power­ful mes­sage that's con­veyed beau­ti­fully through the song.

The bridge of the track is a real standout, with a fant­ast­ic sci­fi sound that elev­ates the song to anoth­er level. It's per­fect for head­phones, as it allows you to really immerse your­self in the track and appre­ci­ate all the details.

Listen to 'Gogh Gogh – SpaceBabe' on Spotify

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