Halo's Eve – Suakin

Halo's Eve - SuakinHalo's Eve, an artist from France, takes us into the mel­an­choly world of synth pop with his latest song "Suakin". In a per­fect fusion with a cosy tempo and dark atmo­sphere, the track gently makes its way into the ear canals. The catchy melody is accom­pan­ied by an emo­tion­al voice that evokes heartache and is remin­is­cent of the 80s.

Here, influ­ences from Depeche Mode and Tears For Fears merge into a unique sound­scape. "Suakin" is more than just a song – it is an emo­tion­al jour­ney that takes the listen­er into the depths of sad­ness. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Halo's Eve – Suakin" on Spotify

Listen to "Halo's Eve – Suakin" on Bandcamp

Official lyric video of "Halo's Eve – Suakin"

Lyrics of "Halo's Eve – Suakin"

One more sign
To ease the dismay
Like a night that keeps
Surrounding me

Could you please relieve the sor­rows echo­ing through my brain?

Out of sight
There's a path to healing
Hear the cries that keeps
Deafening me

Could you please soothe the sor­rows echo­ing through my brain?

I'll nev­er know how to quell the anger
I may be shown there are lights away
Please carry on, some­where lies the answers
Never to go astray

All the tracks are van­ish­ing from my memories
Like some mir­ror shards, I can't see myself within
May this storm scat­ter me away
Like the winds of Suakin sands
Grind my bones to extract the poison
Vined and bound to melt into dreams
Sleep forever, eons watching
Forever in Suakin sands.

Grind my bones to quell the anger
Vined and bound to melt into dreams
In a night sur­round­ing me
Forever in Suakin sands

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