Hauntcore – Prime Meridian (Feat. Crushing Love)

Hauntcore - Hauntcore Vol.1The song 'Prime Meridian (Feat. Crushing Love)' is a rather excit­ing genre mix of syn­thwave and witch house by the British artist 'Hauntcore'. I would describe the song as an occult bal­lad with crime/horror sound ele­ments. Apart from the excit­ing genre mix, the track is sooth­ing and offers enough son­ic vari­ety to not lose focus.

The song is taken from the EP 'Hauntcore Vol.1'. I clicked through the EP briefly. The 3 instru­ment­al songs are just not my cup of tea, because there are no vocals. The tracks of the last song 'Love (Like A Mystery) are unfor­tu­nately com­pletely over­loaded and drone too much. The open­er remains my favour­ite. I am curi­ous in which dir­ec­tion the music of 'Hauntcore' will develop.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Hauntcore – Prime Meridian (Feat. Crushing Love)' on Spotify

Watch the music video of 'Hauntcore – Prime Meridian (Feat. Crushing Love)'

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