Ich Lüge – What's It Like to Be Buried Alive?

Ich Lüge - What's It Like to Be Buried Alive?The latest release from US dark wave band 'Ich Lüge' comes in the form of an ener­get­ic track titled "What's It Like to Be Buried Alive?". The song is taken from the album 'A Picture Perfect Stab to the Heart'. With its strong bass­line and a stark ste­reo effect cours­ing through my skull through my head­phones, the song begins and imme­di­ately draws the listen­er in.

The drum tracks of the song are abso­lutely amaz­ing and give it the neces­sary drive to bob along. The vocals, how­ever, could use a little less elec­tron­ic post-pro­cessing, as some­times less is more. Nevertheless, the ton­al­ity and emo­tion­al qual­ity fits the mood of the song perfectly.

The trans­itions from verse to chor­us are beau­ti­fully crisp and per­fectly timed, mak­ing the song par­tic­u­larly enjoy­able to listen to. The bridge is also great, although it seems a little lack­ing in power at the end. The imple­ment­a­tion of the peck­ing synths at 03:18 minutes, how­ever, is a real redemp­tion that gets the song going again and takes the audi­ence on a won­der­ful journey.

Overall, "What's It Like to Be Buried Alive?" is an awe­some track and shows that 'Ich Lüge' is a band that really knows how to fuse dark wave and goth, in com­bin­a­tion with a lot of elec­tron­ics, in a way that is unique and abso­lutely captivating.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'Ich Lüge – What's It Like to Be Buried Alive?' on Spotify

Listen to 'Ich Lüge – What's It Like to Be Buried Alive?' on Bandcamp

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