Max Tyler – Left To Cry

Max Tyler's ‘Left To Cry’: An emotional storm in electro-pop guise

Max Tyler - Left To CryMax Tyler's latest track "Left To Cry" impress­ively demon­strates that the bridge between the ener­get­ic syn­thes­iser sounds of the 80s and con­tem­por­ary elec­tro pop can be quite power­ful. The song starts with a dynam­ic build-up, char­ac­ter­ised by appeal­ing synth sounds that are imme­di­ately catchy. Tyler's pleas­ing voice blends seam­lessly into the fast-mov­ing arrange­ment and gives the song a pleas­ant light­ness that still leaves room for emo­tion­al depth.

The lyr­ics of "Left To Cry" reflect a clear pic­ture of loss and dis­ap­point­ment, paired with a long­ing for under­stand­ing and the bit­ter real­isa­tion of being left alone. "Because of you I'm left to cry" – this line sum­mar­ises the emo­tion­al roller­coast­er ride of the song and under­lines Tyler's lyr­ic­al strength, who knows how to make per­son­al stor­ies uni­ver­sally understandable.

Whilst the song in its cur­rent form is already an impress­ive piece of work, a shade more dark­ness in the sound could fur­ther enhance the emo­tion­al weight of the lyr­ics and appeal even more deeply to the goth­ic-tinged tar­get audi­ence. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Max Tyler – Left To Cry" on Spotify

Lyrics of "Max Tyler – Left To Cry"

I saw you in the pour­ing rain, the streets so quiet
The stars cried and gave their tears to us
I won­der if you under­stand it breaks me to see us fall
Did you ever under­stand the pain?

When the world made sense to us
Don't pre­tend I didn't try
Did it all make sense to us?
Because of you I'm left to cry

Imagine what we could've built, instead we've crumbled down
You changed my world but should I let us go?
Why do you run in and out when I'm hear with open arms?
Tell me do you hurt the way I hurt?

When the world made sense to us
Don't pre­tend I didn't try
Did it all make sense to us?
Because of you I'm left to cry

When the world made sense to us
Don't pre­tend I didn't try
Did it all make sense to us?
Because of you I'm left to cry

Max Tyler about "Left To Cry"

Left To Cry is a power­ful and dynam­ic rep­res­ent­a­tion of how it feels to be drown­ing in a sink­ing rela­tion­ship. Even though the couple have changed each other's worlds and tried everything to recon­cile, there's still no hope. When cre­at­ing this song, Max Tyler was inspired by the high-tech sound­scapes of Gary Numan and Depeche Mode. Left To Cry is a Synthpop mas­ter­piece that trans­ports listen­ers to a new space-aged dimension.

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