Minute Taker – Mirror (Feat. Megan McDuffee)

Minute Taker - Mirror (Feat. Megan McDuffee)'Mirror (Feat. Megan McDuffee)' is a really cool mix of dark wave, post-punk and syn­thwave by British artist 'Minute Taker' taken from the album 'Wolf Hours'. This cool post-punk beat of the early 80s is exper­i­en­cing a renais­sance. I noticed it most recently on the 'Aesthetic Perfection' song 'Bark At The Moon'. I like this new col­our­ing in fresh synth pop / syn­thwave songs. Let's hope that the sound is not used too omni­present, oth­er­wise it loses its effect.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist 'New Synth Pop Songs 2022'. Updated every 2 weeks! Follow this playl­ist now and don't miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Minute Taker – Mirror (Feat. Megan McDuffee)' on Spotify

Listen to 'Minute Taker – Mirror (Feat. Megan McDuffee)' on Bandcamp

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