Paraphon – Miles

Paraphon - MilesThe song 'Miles' by the Swiss band 'Paraphon' is a super catchy syn­thwave song with a fant­ast­ic 80s nos­tal­gia feel­ing. The emo­tion­al, fem­in­ine vocals har­mon­ise won­der­fully with the cool elec­tron­ic sound. Technically, everything is mixed per­fectly here.

The top­ic of heart­break is lyr­ic­ally expressed here and fol­lows a clas­sic song struc­ture. You can prac­tic­ally sing along to the chor­us after the second time of listen­ing. That's "catchy", isn't it? This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Paraphon – Miles' on Spotify

Watch the music video of 'Paraphon – Miles'

Lyrics of 'Paraphon – Miles'

Walking down the dusty roads
at 12am all alone
without a chance,
My goal so far,
just your home,
I can­not see
but I can feel,
I must run tonight.

Anyway and any day,
any time such a crime,
I would go just for you

Many miles and many ways,
every thought and all essays,
just for you

Don’t give me my heart,
just give me a smile,
hold me so tight for a while
Just give me your heart,
give me your smile,
you make me feel half alive

Passing cars,
lights so bright,
I take a taxi just tonight
to get to you

Many miles and many ways,
every pound I ever drowned
all just for you.

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