Posthuman – Zen Angel

Posthuman - Zen AngelWith "Zen Angel", the Norwegian artist "Posthuman" presents us with an indus­tri­al elec­tro track that gently and slowly immerses us in a dark, epic atmo­sphere. From the very begin­ning, the song cap­tiv­ates with a strong elec­tron­ic sound, accom­pan­ied by subtle noise and effects that flow like a stream over the airwaves.

The song unfolds at a delib­er­ate pace, giv­ing the listen­er space to immerse them­selves in the dysto­pi­an world. The com­pos­i­tion is strongly remin­is­cent of a per­fect soundtrack for Cyberpunk 2077, with its futur­ist­ic sound­scape and pulsat­ing beats. The syn­thes­is of dark sounds, epic melod­ies and the philo­soph­ic­al theme makes "Zen Angel" a cap­tiv­at­ing experience.

Listen to "Posthuman – Zen Angel" on Spotify

Posthuman about "Zen Angel"

The song is about an AI powered rep­lic­ant (artific­al human) designed to be the per­fect romantic part­ner. Sung from their point of view, it is ques­tion­ing why they as an arti­fi­cial being can’t be sen­tient and exper­i­ence love, as an organ­ic human is able to.

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