Red Cell – Only Night

Red Cell - Only NightWith mel­an­chol­ic har­mony and a sense of son­ic famili­ar­ity, the song 'Only Night' from 'Red Cell' streams into the ears. The song is taken from the self-titled album 'Red Cell'.

The Swedish band, now shrunk to a duo, have music­ally developed and changed a lot. The first albums ('Hybrid Society' (2005) and 'Lead Or Follow' (2008)) still had a very strong and harsh indus­tri­al touch. I listened to them briefly and real­ised that the band would not have had a chance with me with these albums. The 2016 album 'Endings And Beginnings' is more my cup of tea. I would also like to men­tion that the single 'Coloring My Bones' (2018) is really bril­liant. It's a shame I missed this song at the time.

Back to the top­ic. The cur­rent song 'Only Night' is a genu­ine and flaw­less synth pop song. If the upcom­ing album is based on it, I'm look­ing for­ward to hear­ing it in time. Listen to this synth pop high­light of 2022 now.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Red Cell – Only Night' on Spotify

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