Roni Amir – Before

Roni Amir - BeforeThe song 'Before' (Feat. Ryan Riehm & Aliice) is a catchy, shal­low synth pop song by Israeli artist 'Roni Amir'. Slightly upbeat with the atmo­sphere of an 80s elec­tro pop hit, the song makes its way over the air­waves into the aud­it­ory canal.

The song struc­ture is chosen very clas­sic­ally and there­fore has no big bar­ri­er to entry, which makes the song almost suit­able for radio. But don't worry, the song is not a usu­al com­mer­cial pop song, it fits very well into the synth pop / elec­tro pop niche.

Also worth men­tion­ing is the per­fect mix­ing and mas­ter­ing of the song. Everything sounds har­mo­ni­ously man­u­fac­tured from a single mould. No single track is lost or too loud. Roni Amir is not only a good com­poser and song­writer, also in the tech­nic­al sense music pro­duc­tion is his profession.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2022‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2022.

Listen to 'Roni Amir – Before' on Spotify

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