Split Vision – Envy

Split Vision - EnvyWith "Envy", taken from the EP "Seven Deadly Sins", "Split Vision" takes us into the depths of Swedish synth pop art. The song presents itself as an almost bal­lad­ic jour­ney through dark, emo­tion­al land­scapes, marked by a mel­an­choly that is hard to shake off. The drawn-out, drag­ging sounds, enriched with vari­ous synth sounds and effects from the 90s, lend the track a nos­tal­gic note that fans of this era will undoubtedly appreciate.

Particularly note­worthy are the music­al breaks, which bring back memor­ies of an unnamed but still present song by "De/Vision". These moments break up the heav­i­ness and add a dynam­ic com­pon­ent that gives "Envy" its unique tex­ture. The vocals, while a little rough for my per­son­al taste, still fit seam­lessly into the over­all pic­ture. Their rough­ness con­trib­utes to the hon­est and unem­bel­lished por­tray­al of the mel­an­choly atmo­sphere without dis­turb­ing the har­mon­ic bal­ance of the song.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Split Vision – Envy" on Spotify

Listen to "Split Vision – Envy" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "Split Vision – Envy"

Wake up at night
it´s still a fight
what I’ve got is not enough
to feel con­tent is kind of tough

Want all you have got
all your cars and your pretty yacht
I deserve to get
there are rules to be set

The beast of envy
keeps killing me
All I can have
is what I see

This can’t be right
I have no might
All you have is dirty luck
I should have gone and now I’m stuck

Want all you have got
all your cars and your pretty yacht
I deserve to get
there are rules to be set

The beast of envy
keeps killing me
All I can have
is what I see

I deserve to get

All I can have
is what I see….
All I can have
is what I see

Want all you have got
all your cars and your pretty yacht
I deserve to get
there are rules to be set

The beast of envy
keeps killing me
All I can have
is what I see

The beast of envy
keeps killing me
All I can have
is what I see

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