Steinhart – No Control

Steinhart - No ControlThe song 'No Control' really picked me up sound-wise. 'Steinhart' com­bine clas­sic EBM with mod­ern sounds and ele­ments. I would like to see more lyr­ics on the next tracks. The duo is formed by Michael J. (Falling Bytes) and André W. (Rhunae) who have only recently released music with their solo projects.

EBM from German lands always has a bit of a hard time. Especially when it comes to this 'EBM Elite' scene, I'm always very scep­tic­al about neg­at­ive influ­ences. I'm keep­ing an eye on this and am curi­ous to see how the 'Steinhart' pro­ject devel­ops. This song is espe­cially worth listen­ing to for EBM fans (without extreme polit­ic­al views).

Listen to 'Steinhart – No Control' on Spotify

Listen to 'Steinhart – No Control' on Bandcamp

Watch the music video of 'Steinhart – No Control'

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