Turbo Knight & Edictum – Shimmy (Feat. Rota)

Shimmy: Dance with the charming bear in neon light

Turbo Knight & Edictum - Shimmy (Feat. Rota)With "Shimmy", Turbo Knight & Edictum have cre­ated an ener­get­ic synth pop track that delves deep into the son­ic world of the 80s. The very begin­ning of the song with bells and hand­claps imme­di­ately trans­ports you to the neon-soaked era of syn­thes­isers. But "Shimmy" man­ages to remain inde­pend­ent des­pite the famil­i­ar sounds.

The eccent­ric and humor­ous lyr­ics, sung by Rota, tell the story of a dan­cing bear who immerses him­self in the glit­ter­ing night­life of the disco era. Lines like "Celebrate this moment of con­fid­ence. We were not made to bore" give the track a self-con­fid­ent yet charm­ing fla­vour. The lyr­ic­al mix of whim­sic­al imagery and dance­able rhythms makes "Shimmy" spe­cial and entertaining.

Musically, the song moves skil­fully between synth pop and new wave, cre­at­ing an excit­ing dynam­ic. The pro­duc­tion is flaw­less and cap­tures the essence of the genre per­fectly. Turbo Knight & Edictum demon­strate a keen sense for melod­ies and arrange­ments that are imme­di­ately catchy.

One small point of cri­ti­cism could be that the son­ic prox­im­ity to clas­sic 80s tracks some­times seems a little too famil­i­ar. Nevertheless, "Shimmy" is a suc­cess­ful track that impresses with its catchy melody and ori­gin­al storyline. This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Turbo Knight & Edictum – Shimmy (Feat. Rota)" on Spotify

Listen to "Turbo Knight & Edictum – Shimmy (Feat. Rota)" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "Turbo Knight & Edictum – Shimmy (Feat. Rota)"

This week is mine, throw my Ursidae life in the air
What will I catch?
Little things annoy me, put­ting it to the test
highly demol­ished, don't have no time for rubbish,
gain my winter blub­ber, enjoy all the udder.
I break everything open – get out.
Time stands still. I have a glass to fill. I have a drink to spill.
Celebrate this moment of con­fid­ence. We were not made to bore
Tomorrow my skull will buzz for sure
my free­dom lasts forever
shimmy this night together
In the cave it is damp, the walls bare, the floor is cold
put a smile on the hori­zon, see you round my zoo.
come my darling, now let's dance, make this cave shine brightly
we spir­al for­ward until we are dangling from the ceiling
with fur shreds on the floor
Time stands still. I have a glass to fill. I have a drink to spill.
Celebrate this moment of con­fid­ence. We were not made to bore,
Tomorrow my skull will buzz for sure
my free­dom lasts forever
shimmy this night together
tried to con­vince you,
to keep you from get­ting close to me,
react eject a mis­take has been made
but one that could be fun
not sym­bi­ot­ic, we are dimorphic.
Time stands still. I have a glass to fill. I have a drink to spill.
Celebrate this moment of con­fid­ence. We were not made to bore
Tomorrow my skull will buzz for sure
my free­dom lasts forever
shimmy this night together
You don't have to be afraid of animals,
espe­cially not of puffy bears pran­cing around
espe­cially not of puffy bears pran­cing around
espe­cially not of puffy bears pran­cing around

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