AccroGeist – Celestial Storm

This is the offi­cial video of 'Celestial Storm' by 'AccroGeist' taken from debut EP 'Something To Repair Me'. Video dir­ec­ted by Lukasz Pytlik & filmed in Warsaw, Poland in February 2017 fea­tur­ing Team Shibari. Model: Sukkiana , Rigger: GanRaptor.


You watch the fire in my eyes
You melt the fear between your thighs
We cross the red divid­ing line
We paint the col­our in the sky

With the moun­tains all but gone,
When the highs were made in chem­ic­al form,
When the moon takes out the sun,
You will shine for me, like a celes­ti­al storm.

We search our souls and we might find
A semb­lance of truth between the lies
You dare me to walk a poisoned mile
But I’ll meet you there and not defiled

With the moun­tains all but gone,
When the highs were made in chem­ic­al form,
When the moon takes out the sun,
You will shine for me, like a celes­ti­al storm.

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