Agnis – Antipriest

Agnis - Antipriest (Cover artwork)Official music video "Antipriest" per­formed by "Agnis". With "Antipriest", Polish artist Agnis deliv­ers a cap­tiv­at­ing con­tri­bu­tion to the world of synth and dark pop, which stands out from the crowd with its ener­get­ic atmo­sphere and uncon­ven­tion­al sound ele­ments. The use of almost techno-like sirens gives the song an unmis­tak­able dynam­ic that is any­thing but com­mon­place in this genre.

Agnis' clear vocals take cen­ter stage, sup­por­ted by catchy lyr­ics that make the song an unfor­get­table exper­i­ence. "Antipriest" impresses with its abil­ity to cap­ture the energy and spir­it of elec­tron­ic music with a fresh and dynam­ic approach. This makes it an ideal can­did­ate for the dance­floors, where it will undoubtedly get the crowd moving.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2024‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2024.

Listen to "Agnis – Antipriest" on Spotify

Listen to "Agnis – Antipriest" on Bandcamp

Lyrics of "Agnis – Antipriest"

I can­not release you from what’s hid­den in your mind
You are try­ing so hard to sup­press your dark­er side
Don’t be a fool, believ­ing, you are nev­er gonna try
Come to me I am wait­ing and let’s do it all tonight

Let me see you dan­cing like you've nev­er danced before
Leave your head behind you now it's time to lose control
I won't leave you dan­cing you don't have to be alone
Let me see you dan­cing like you wanna lose control
Lose control!
Lose control!
Lose control!

Now you're not pre­tend­ing this is who you really are
Hungry for adven­ture to excite your bor­ing life
All that you've been dream­ing of is hap­pen­ing right now
Moving up to this beat like you are almost hypnotized

Let me see you dan­cing like you've nev­er danced before
Leave your head behind you now it's time to lose control
I won't leave you dan­cing you don't have to be alone
Let me see you dan­cing like you wanna lose control
Lose control!
Lose control!
Lose control!

Agnis about "Antipriest"

AGNIS is back with a new single and video called "Antipriest"! Get ready for a dance­able fusion of indus­tri­al rave, dark­wave, and syn­thpop that'll make you ques­tion your holy dance moves!

AGNIS is your music­al con­fess­or, urging you to let loose and lose con­trol like nev­er before! Don't miss the divine mad­ness and join her on this unholy groove as she invites you to shed your inhib­i­tions, leav­ing your head behind and embra­cing your dark­er side on the dance floor.

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