Antiage – Lone

Official music video 'Lone' per­formed by 'Antiage'.


Build a princely tomb in my room
leave the clowns out in the queue

I must con­fess that I miss my friends
each day a little less
my paradigm needs a review

Lone man is not broken
melt down all those frag­ments of my shattered past
Open my devotion
rev­el in autonomy and loneliness

Bored with people who are confused
chase the golden avenue

A pro­tect­ive stance to the sycophants
dis­turb tranquility
my pref­er­ence is solitude

Lone man is not broken
melt down all those frag­ments of my shattered past
Open my devotion
rev­el in autonomy and loneliness

Hide sur­round­ings from my self
Truly selfish this time

Lone man is not broken
melt down all those frag­ments of my shattered past
Open my devotion
rev­el in autonomy and loneliness

Grant my soul caress

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