CATTAC – Little Red

Official music video 'Little Red' per­formed by 'CATTAC' taken from the album 'Let Us Fall Together'.

Listen to 'CATTAC – Little Red' on Spotify

Listen to 'CATTAC – Little Red' on Bandcamp

Lyrics of 'CATTAC – Little Red'

Little Red
sweet mys­ter­i­ous child
what does a fra­gile like you
in this dark cold wild
Lovely Girl
with your gentle smile
and your angel­ic hair
Why did you run many miles?

Little Red
care­ful where you go
A stalk­er in the bush
could accom­pany you

Run baby run
Don´t turn around
Now is not your time to die
Run baby run
Fear the unknown thing
It´s not the tome to say goodbye…

Little Red
There are fer­al eyes
stand still and hear
break­ing twigs and power­ful strides
Lovely Girl
with your dark secret
The beast is look­ing for­ward to you
but he will feel regret…

Run baby run
Don´t turn around
Now is not your time to die
Run baby run
Fear the unknown thing
It´s not the tome to say goodbye…

Close your eyes and let him come
Come and take a last deep breath…
Adrenaline shoots in your veins
and the forest smells like death

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